David’s first assignment out of the pasture is as a personal musician to Saul. This moves David away from his family into Saul’s court. Ever since the Spirit of God left Saul because of his sin; Saul has been tormented by an evil spirit from the Lord. This should not be interpreted as God using an evil demon, rather this can also be interpreted as sad or depressed. This is probably a messenger of God used to torment Saul with sadness and discontentedness as a form of punishment for his disobedience. Regardless of how you interpret the words, Saul was greatly distressed which caused his servants to look for relief. They thought a musician could be used to soothe Saul. The servants suggest David, as he could play the lyre and it seems was a renowned musician.
When David went to Saul’s court and played his songs, they did in fact soothe Saul. This was a good thing but not the best thing for Saul. Of course, David did nothing wrong, he was doing exactly as he was commanded. He played for the glory of God in service of his king, Saul. Saul was the one that we can really learn a lesson from here. Remember Saul had disobeyed God. He did seemingly try to repent but God’s mind was made up, the Lord would no longer be with Saul. I wonder if Saul was truly repented or if it was a “I am sorry I got caught” sort of situation. Saul became notorious for making quick apologies that were ultimately empty. His character was found lacking when it came to repenting in a way that brought gospel change to his life. I have to believe that if he truly was repentant God would have delivered him from this tormentous spirit. But Saul did not go to the Lord, instead he sought the relief brought on by music.
Music can be a great way to soothe your spirit. I love putting on a good song and letting it minister to my soul. It is always therapeutic to sing at the top of your lungs in your car on the way home after a hard day. I really love music; it is one of the greatest joys of my life. In fact, as I write these articles familiar music is blaring in my ear buds to get to what I call the writing flow. Even though I love music and I am sure you love music it can never be a substitute for the presence of the Lord.
This goes for any sort of therapeutic thing we can think about in our lives. I also find working out to be therapeutic, but if I put my hope in working out to deliver me from my problems then I am in trouble. These things are short term solutions to problems in my life. The only real solution, the only real place to find peace and hope is the Lord. David knows this fact and records this view in Psalm 62. Take a moment and give it a read. The first two verses are especially poignant, “Truly my soul finds rest in God; my salvation comes from Him. Truly He is my rock and my salvation; He is my fortress, I will never be shaken.” Can you see the contrasting viewpoints? Saul put his faith in a short-term solution like music therapy and David in the long-term solution of trusting the Lord.
I understand there is a place for therapy and therapeutic actions, but they can never replace the presence of the Lord. We must keep our focus on our Lord Jesus and let him comfort us in times of trouble. That is the only place we will really find hope and peace. Remember Paul tells us that in Jesus we will experience a peace that surpasses human understanding. I can tell you from my own experience that this is true. So if you are hurting today, if your spirit is troubled, whatever you are going through, turn to the Lord and find peace in Jesus!
(This article is from a series of articles on the life of David that I have been writing. You can read more at