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Worship - January 2022

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Putting together this year's Christmas Night of Worship was an absolute joy.  In particular, thinking through and meditating on the gospel and how we wanted to communicate it during the course of the evening was a tremendous blessing and encouragement to me personally. Everyone did an incredible job, and I was so happy with how we were together able to focus our eyes on Christ and what He has done. But what I found as I was putting all the pieces of the program together was that there was so much more I wanted to say! If you were not able to attend, or have not had a chance to watch the video recording, you can find it at www.vimeo.com/oakhillbc or you can contact the church office and get a DVD copy. I am not saying all of this as a way to pat myself on the back or to say “look how good we did,” because all we did that night was say “look how awesome God is!” and I believe it will be an encouragement to you. 

We of course set out to communicate throughout the entire program that Jesus Christ is the only Savior, and that it is only through His atoning work that we may be saved. I believe we were able to communicate this truth in a very powerful way, but, as I mentioned, there is always so much more to be said about Him. Throughout this entire process I was reminded of a truth that we do not necessarily think about when we talk about Jesus being the only way to heaven. Any good Baptist will, at a moment’s notice, be ready to affirm that salvation is only found in Jesus! But the truth I want to remind each and every one of us about today is that Jesus is not just the only effective Savior, He is the only possible Savior! And the way in which He went about redeeming His creation is the only possible way in which we could have been saved! 

This truth is hinted at in Revelation 5, which we very briefly looked at during the course of the Night of Worship. Within John's vision he sees that there is a scroll in the right hand of God the Father, who is seated on the throne. All we can do is make guesses about the contents of this scroll, but what we do know is that God’s plan for all of creation is dependent upon this scroll being opened. The problem is that the scroll can’t be opened. John writes, “And no one in heaven or on earth or under the earth was able to open the scroll or to look into it, and I began to weep loudly because no one was found worthy to open the scroll or to look into it.” (vv. 3-4). As far as John can tell, God’s redemption plan has been stopped in its tracks because nowhere in heaven or on earth or under the earth can someone be found who is worthy to open this scroll. Not one person or being. 

Then one of the elders directs our attention to the Lamb, “standing, as though it had been slain” (v. 6), and the elders tell us some amazing things about this Lamb. First of all, we are told that the Lamb “has conquered, so that he can open the scroll and its seven seals.”  In other words, this Lamb is able to open the scroll because He has conquered something. Secondly, the four living creatures and the elders sing, “Worthy are you to take the scroll and to open its seals, for you were slain, and by your blood you ransomed people for God” (v. 9). Some translations read, “because you were slain.” There is a clear cause and effect that has taken place because the Lamb of God has died and has conquered. Without these two things taking place, death and resurrection, there is no conqueror, there is no one worthy to open the scroll, and creation is not redeemed.  If even one of the elements of the gospel is missing, then no one will ever be worthy to open the scroll and to enact God’s redemption plan. Remember that no one else, “in heaven or on earth or under the earth” was found worthy to open the scroll. It had to be the Lamb, the Lamb had to be slain, and the Lamb had to conquer death. 

The gospel of Jesus Christ is not just the only way to heaven because it's the one option that just so happened to work. The blood of Jesus was the only possible means of forgiveness, and it was all part of God’s plan from the very beginning.

Posted by Derek Niffenegger with

Women On Mission - January 2022

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The Cooperative Program

The financial fuel for reaching every person for Jesus Christ in every town, every city, every state and nation. 

More than 95 years ago, Southern Baptists realized the challenge of reaching a lost world was too great for the approach to missions they were taking.  Small congregations couldn’t adequately train leaders and send missionaries on their own.  A host of societies competed for funding, and missions efforts were badly fragmented.  A few leaders realized the churches needed to link up in a focused partnership. Together they could accomplish what chaotic competition was preventing.  

In 1925, Southern Baptists forged the Cooperative Program.  Individuals, churches, state conventions, and Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) entities began working together toward a common goal:  rescuing souls in danger by showing and sharing the gospel all around the world.  The unified budget mitigated competition and provided long-term stability for missions boards.

Even though we number more than 47,000 congregations, our churches working alone could not register the gains we see each year through our Cooperative Program efforts: 23,000 students trained in six seminaries, more than 1,100 congregations started in North America, 886 people groups and 236 urban centers engaged overseas, and almost 1.4  million people in 53 countries helped with basic life essentials like food and clean water. 

When we join hands through the Cooperative Program, we are better able to obey Jesus’ command to “go and make disciples of all nations.”

Women on Mission will meet Thursday, January 6 at 1:00 in the Grace Ladies’ Classroom

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