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Pastor's Point - February 2022

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Dear Church Family,

I thought it might be fitting to share some from my heart about the importance of corporate worship in our church family.  As most of you should know by now, Pastor Derek is leaving our church to accept a call back to his home church in Michigan. This is a unique and special opportunity for him to minister in the church where he was raised with the same pastor that pastored him while he was growing up.  We will be praying for Derek, Laura, and the children as they go to this new assignment. We have already put in place a short-term plan to cover the worship responsibilities with talented people from within our church. We will continue worshipping God each Sunday by giving Him the worship that He deserves. 

Please be praying for me as I initiate the search for our next worship pastor.  Our church graciously allows me to begin the process as Lead Pastor which I am very thankful for. Our worship pastor position will be advertised in different places and as people submit their resumes, a vetting process will take place that will include considering the candidates philosophy of worship, theological convictions, experience in ministry, and training in worship ministry. Through this process I will be talking to those in our worship ministry for input into the search. They minister weekly with our worship pastor, and I would like to hear from them and gain their input into the process. As God leads us to a few leading candidates I will also be talking and consulting the other elders in our church as well. When the search narrows and focuses on one specific candidate, we will then have that person meet with our personnel team to be interviewed.  At that time, if all goes well, we will plan for this person to come in for a weekend to meet with the people of our church through meetings, and then lead worship for us on that weekend. By God’s grace we would then ask our church for a vote of affirmation to issue a call to that person to come and be the next worship pastor of our church. Please be praying for this very important time in the life of our church family.

I agree with this quote about worship that I found by John Wesley. He states, “Sing lustily and with a good courage. Beware of singing as if you were half dead, or half asleep, but lift up your voice with strength.” I would want our next worship pastor to know that I agree with that statement.  And I want this person to know that our worship services need to be marked by three key ingredients. 
The worship at Oakhill needs to be God Centered. 
The worship at Oakhill needs to be singable, powerful, dynamic, and moving. 
The worship at Oakhill needs to be led by people who love God and love leading others to worship the one true and living God. 

I want people to enter our worship services and take their eyes off themselves. I want them to take their eyes off the trials and pressures of this life. I want them to worship the One who has saved us, and the One who ministers to us while we live in the middle of this desperately hurting and hard world.  He is worthy to be praised, and we need to make sure that we are doing that correctly every time we gather for worship. 

I love you and I love being your pastor!

Posted by Alan Scott with

Spare Change - February 2022

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Why is it so difficult to get free from certain sins?  When I was younger, I would hear preachers and teachers talk about besetting sins. These are sins that ensnare a person, and they find it almost impossible to get victory over them.  I agree that certain sins, for certain people, can be very difficult to break free from.  Even if we do find victory, we can find ourselves right back in them at some point in our lives.  Why is that?  It is almost as if Satan knows exactly what triggers us.  It reminds me of the Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis where every person was assigned a demon to tempt them and keep them from following Christ.  While scripture does not confirm this to be true it certainly does feel like we have a personal demon attached to us; however, the Bible does confirm that we are tempted by Satan (James 4:7).  What are we to do?  If he knows what triggers us and keeps hammering us, are we without hope? 

The answer is repentance!  Repentance is most simply explained as turning away from sin and turning toward Jesus.  A fuller definition might be the means by which we participate in gospel transformation by seeking forgiveness in Jesus, exercising faith to overcome sin and growing in gospel maturity.  There is a point in our Christian walk where we come to faith in Jesus and repent of sin.  We find forgiveness of sin and we are saved by the power of the gospel found in Jesus' death, burial, and resurrection; however, repentance isn’t just a one time experience.  Coming to Christ begins the lifelong experience of continual repentance.  Stuart Scott in the book Killing Sin Habits calls this mortification (killing sin) and vivification (living by the Spirit).  These two processes are what is meant by ongoing repentance.  A Christian, regardless of how long they have been a believer, should be constantly submitting to Jesus and living out the cycle of repentance and faith.  This is what matures us in our faith and gives us victory over sin.  

True repentance is only found in Jesus Christ.  I cannot overstate how important this is, we cannot do this in our own power.  In fact, trying to handle sin in our own power is what keeps us from truly finding victory.  This struggle is expressed by Stuart Scott as the Temptation Cycle. It looks like this: temptation, feeble struggle, rationalization, unholy surrender, sin is accomplished, momentary guilt, sorrow and shame, confession to God delayed, confession, Christ not put on, isolation (no outside help sought), time passes and the cycle repeats.  Have you seen this cycle played out in your own life?  I know I have.  Often, we fall to temptation in our lives and feel bad, but we don’t really do anything about it.  Repentance is not just feeling bad and asking forgiveness for sin.  

We need to feel sorrow and we need to come to the Lord and seek forgiveness, but we also need to seek change.  Remember, Jesus did not just forgive people and then tell them to keep living the same way.  He called them to leave their sin and follow Him.  That call is still active today.  Don’t shortchange yourself with cheap repentance. 
Jesus died for life transformation, not to just make you feel better.  Also, don't just excuse your sin.  Deal with your sin by bringing it before the Lord; desperately pray for deliverance from it.  Pray also for wisdom to know how to kill it and the courage to get help.  The biggest failure on the part of Christians is the refusal to get help.  We need accountability when it comes to sin.  We need someone that will help us to change our behavior so we will not end up falling into temptation repeatedly.  Satan wants nothing more than for you to keep your sin a secret.  Jesus wants us to expose that sin, so we experience true repentance and life transformation.  This is the only way we will truly find victory over besetting sins in our life.  As you pray about this subject in your life, meditate on this verse: Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them. For it is shameful even to speak of the things that they do in secret. But when anything is exposed by the light, it becomes visible, for anything that becomes visible is light. Therefore it says, “Awake, O sleeper, and arise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.”  Ephesians 5:11-13 

For more on this topic I would suggest reading Killing Sin Habits by Stuart Scott.  

Posted by Bryan Gotcher with

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