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Pastor's Point - November 2021

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Dear Church Family,

I pray you all are doing well and are excited for all that God has in store for us in the month of November.  We were blessed to begin our One Family, One Mission emphasis in October, and now we get to see it culminate at our Thanksgiving dinner this year on November 21st.

But let me first say how thankful I am for all of you who made our Fall Harvest event happen. On October 30th at North Campus, we had such an amazing turn out even on a cloudy, rainy day.  There were so many people who came as visitors!  I spoke with numerous families that were there and had conversations with some of them who had no church home.  A few of those visiting could not believe that the event was free. So, thank you to everyone who made this all possible through your faithful giving to the church monetarily as well as your willingness to be there to serve others. This event held at North Campus is just another reminder of how blessed by God we are to have that property for us to use in ministry to both our church family and our surrounding community.

As I said at the beginning of my article, in November we will see the culmination of our capital campaign to raise the money necessary to improve upon our North and South Campuses, as well as pay off the debt we have on the North Campus property.

Our three tier goals for our campaign are as follows…

Phase 1 Goals

Goal #1 - $750,000
- Debt on North Campus (NC) land (50%)
- Replace gym roof at NC
- New student center at South Campus (SC)
- Renovated kids' ministry space at SC

Goal #2 - $1,600,000
- All of Goal #1
- Renovated NC gym
- Renovated education wing at NC
- Remaining debt on NC land

Goal #3 - $2,900,000
- All of Goal #2
- Renovated NC foyer including elevator
- Renovated NC worship & event space
- Renovated NC parking

The scope of the work that we can accomplish will be directly linked to the amount of money/pledges that we raise.  What we are asking our church family to do is to simply pray and ask God what you could sacrificially give either as an upfront one-time gift, or what you could pledge over the course of three years.  As you receive your pledge card pray over it, fill it out and please turn it back in to church by November 14th.  We will be announcing the total of the pledges at our Thanksgiving dinner on November 21st. I am excited for that night, not just because of this announcement, but for the fact that we are able to have our church wide thanksgiving dinner this year.  We were not able to have our dinner last year.  This is always such a great night for our church family to come together and thank God for all he has done.

Let’s all pray and ask God to help us to give sacrificially to meet this goal that is bigger than any one of us.  Ask God to help you give in such a way that it stretches you and requires you to demonstrate faith in Him as you give.  Pray to give not what you will not miss but pray to give in such a way that it requires you to sacrifice something and display faith in your great God!!

I love you and I love being your pastor!

Posted by Alan Scott with

Pastor's Point - October 2021

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Dear Church Family,

This month I want to share with you two exciting announcements for our church family. First, I want to inform you that on Saturday, October 30th, beginning at 4pm, we will have our church-wide Fall Festival event at our North Campus.  This free event is a great opportunity to come and be with church family, but it is also a great opportunity to invite your friends, family, and neighbors to bring their kids out for a great time of fun.  We will have live music, inflatables, food, fun, firepits, and of course there will be candy for all the kids as well.  I am really looking forward to being together as church family, but also looking forward to meeting new friends as well.  Make sure to pick up your invite cards at the Welcome Center to help you invite all those you want to come to this event.

Second, I want you to know that starting on October 17th, I will begin to share exciting news as to the development of our North and South Campuses.  Many of you are aware that we purchased our North Campus back in March of 2020 to help to provide for the needs of our growing ministry.  We are so thankful that God led us as a church to this strategic piece of property so close to our existing church campus (south campus). Beginning on Sunday, October 17th you will receive important information over the course of the following five weeks that will help you understand the details, scope, and excitement of our plan to develop both campuses. 

Over my 15 years of service to Oakhill as your pastor, I have seen God bless as we have come together for the common purpose of investing in and strengthening our church for the spread of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  I have seen God move on the hearts of His people to provide what was needed to build and leave a legacy of Gospel ministry right here on Oak Hill Road.  I have seen people saved and discipled. I have seen children born, raised, invested in with the Gospel, baptized, and now serving in the church.  I have seen families joined together in the covenant of marriage, and I have seen families attacked and on the verge of divorce, only to see the power of the Gospel restore their marriage for the glory of God. I have seen people sacrifice time, talent, and treasure for the good of others and for the glory of God.  God has unmistakably worked through Oakhill throughout the years, and He now has us at the moment to where we have the joy of investing once again in the church to see God continue to do these things for the next fifty years through our church family.  I want to be a part of leaving a legacy that will outlive me.  I want to be a part of leaving a gospel legacy for my children, and for my grandchildren!  Exciting days are right around the corner!  I am so thankful to be your pastor! God has so much more for us to do for His glory! 

I love you and I love being your pastor!

Posted by Alan Scott with

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