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Worship - September 2021

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Of all the ministries that are going to be kicking off again this fall, I am really excited about student gatherings starting up again, particularly because I get to assist Pastor Brian in relaunching the student praise band. Student worship ministries have a very dear place in my heart. I grew up in a musical family, and thoroughly enjoyed playing trumpet in my local public school. But it was the worship gathering of my local church where I truly fell in love with music, and the student praise band was foundational in starting me down the road toward music ministry. Now, I know first hand that the sounds a 13 year old can make with an electronically amplified instrument are not always pretty. But it is incredibly exciting to see young people learn and develop their musical abilities over the course of a school year, or even just a semester.

However, as exciting as it is to help students grow musically, it is far more exciting and important to help them develop a healthy theology of worship that will protect them and build them up into God glorifying worshippers. Along with playing an instrument or singing on a stage comes a lot of attention. There’s just no way around that. And every time we step up onto a stage we are tempted to take our focus off of glorifying God and onto glorifying ourselves. But our goal is not to train up talented musicians. It’s to train up godly lead worshippers. That is a long discipleship based process, but I’d like to take a few minutes and share with you where we are going to start that process.

I have found that the greatest commandment provides us with an excellent foundation on which we can build our theology of worship, and that goes for those who are on the stage as well as for those in the congregation. We all need to check our ideas and feelings about musical worship against this theological framework, so let’s do that together. In Matthew 22:37 we read, “And he [Jesus] said to him, ‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment.” (ESV). Now, if we are to love God with all of our heart, soul and mind (Mark adds strength as well), that encompasses our whole being. Therefore, we should be able to find application for this command in every aspect of our lives and beings, and our corporate worship is no exception.

This should not be surprising to anyone. Of course worship should be centered around and permeated by our love for God. After all, If we were not actively loving Him, then our worship would not be very worshipful, would it? Actually, you might want to stop and think about that for a moment, and it is pretty much my whole point. If we are participating in musical worship out of any motivation other than love for God then it is not Him whom we are worshipping. I could talk about this point all day, and about how we love God well in worship by singing words that are true about Him because He is lovely, but we need to move on and read Jesus’ next words.

Without even pausing for effect Jesus adds these words, “And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments depend all the Law and the Prophets.” Other translations use the word hang. All the Law and the Prophets is a lot to hang on these two commandments, but we are right to hang our theology of worship on this framework as well. So how in the world do we love our neighbor while we worship? Well, once again part of that is by singing words that are true about God, because we are bearing witness to the loveliness of God. In doing so we are stirring our brothers and sisters up to love and adore God, which is certainly a loving thing for us to do. I have also written previously about how in Colossians 3:16 we are told to teach and admonish one another, “singing Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs.” Teaching and admonishing each other is also loving and is an important part of loving our neighbor as ourselves, because we need to be taught and admonished too.

So we have talked about loving God, and we have briefly talked about loving our neighbors, so where in this equation do we get to talk about ourselves and what we want to experience in worship? Well, the fact is, that is not part of the equation, and that is the very first lesson I hope to teach our young lead worshippers. Worship is not about me. It is certainly not about displaying my musical talents for other people to ooh and ah over. It is all about God, loving Him, and loving His people, and when we realize that, it allows us to experience corporate worship like never before. 

Posted by Derek Niffenegger with

Women on Mission - September 2021

Missionary Prayer Requests

Prayer Focus - Deaf Peoples: Praise God for calling new workers to minister to the Deaf around the world. Pray specifically for three workers who recently completed field orientation. Pray for their visa process as well as their departure and transition to the field. Pray the Holy Spirit would prepare the hearts among the Deaf to receive the seed of the gospel.

Prayer Focus - East Asian Peoples: Pray Japanese brothers and sisters, new believers in partner churches in Fukuoka (foo-koo-OH-kah), would be encouraged and strengthened in the faith through their daily reading of God’s Word and prayertime with God. Pray specifically for Toko, Yuko, Yumko, Suya, Takaya, Aiko, and Juko as they share boldly with friends and family in their circles of influence.

Prayer Focus - Montana: Jonathan White is a collegiate missionary for Grizzly Christian Fellowship in Missoula, Montana. “After eight years of collegiate ministry in Southern California, my wife, Joy, and I are in the process of joining a ministry called Grizzly Christian Fellowship at the University of Montana in Missoula. It is exciting to take the gospel to a place known by locals as ‘the school where faith goes to die.’ We are overjoyed to join the efforts of Grizzly Christian Fellowship in seeing students come to Christ and learn to make disciples who make disciples for the glory of God in the Northwest! Our greatest need in order to make this happen is housing. Missoula is flooded with buyers and renters, but there are no housing vacancies. This is driving costs through the roof. Please pray God would provide us a home large enough to host college students. Pray God would transform the lives of hardened atheistic students. Pray Christian students would take the Great Commission seriously and become disciple-making evangelists.”

Prayer Focus - American Peoples: Mary, a missionary from South America, served on another continent alongside an International Mission Board team. Recently that country’s government closed her nongovernmental organization, forcing her to return home. Ask God to meet Mary’s physical and financial needs as she awaits a new deployment to reach the same people group.

Prayer Focus - Northern African and Middle Eastern Peoples: The majority of Libyan Arabs of Libya and Northern Africa have been blinded by Satan and are living in darkness. Like all unbelievers, they are perishing (2 Cor. 4). Cry out to God on behalf of Libyan Arabs. Ask Him to open their eyes and ears and to shine His marvelous light into their hearts so they might believe in the saving power of Jesus.

Prayer Focus - European Peoples: France has experienced many riots and terrorist acts over the last ten years. These disruptions have produced intolerance for any sort of faith being displayed, both publicly and privately. Recently, politicians have enacted laws to restrict the practice of religion, under the guise of avoiding terrorism. Pray for Baptist representatives as they wisely navigate these restrictions within the evangelical church.

Prayer Focus - American Peoples: Praise the Lord for Roberto and his parents, who are among the Central Aymara (eye-MAHR-uh) of Peru and recently surrendered their lives to Jesus after a long conversation with missionaries Abel and Daisy. Pray they would understand what it means to follow Jesus day by day. Also pray for healing for Roberto, who, despite his young age, is very ill with tuberculosis.

Our World Hunger receipts to date are $432. Women on Mission will meet Thursday, September 2nd at 1:00 pm in the Grace classroom. Remaining meetings are October 7th, November 4th, and December 2nd. Each will be at 1:00 pm in the Grace classroom.

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