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Spare Change - July 2021

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I am writing this article right in the middle of the VBS week.  This week is often full of long days and short nights.  There isn’t much rest to be had but there is other nourishment that we get along the way to keep us going.  Things like serving the Lord, discipling children, connecting with families, sharing the gospel, and fellowshipping with other volunteers are just a few of the spiritually nourishing things that help us endure.  While it is a crazy, busy week it is also a very special week.  Children get to hear the life changing truth of the gospel and that is what it is all about.

VBS is totally worth all the manpower and resources that we put into it.  Last year, even during the Covid year, we were able to pull off VBS and 16 children became followers of Jesus.  That just blows my mind! Our church was faithful to do VBS and God, out of His abundant mercy, saved 16 children.  Again, this is what it is all about.  This year we have many more children which means we have an even greater potential for gospel impact.  We are praying that God would do an amazing work through the gospel presentation and our Bible study leaders.  By now you know the results of VBS, and I hope that together we are praising and thanking God for the children He has saved!

The other aspect of VBS that encourages me so much is our volunteers that work tirelessly to make VBS happen.  We have 90 volunteers this year!  90 adults and teenagers that invest a week of their life in this kingdom work.  Many of them work all day, rush to the church and find the energy to lead and teach the children.  I am always amazed by their dedication.  People always ask me if I feel stressed and overwhelmed and honestly I can say, "No", because we have such great volunteers.  VBS at Oakhill is a fun and enjoyable experience because we all share the load.

If you are a volunteer, I want to say with all sincerity, THANK YOU!  There is nothing I could do or say that would be enough, but I know you don’t do it for the praise, you do it because you love the Lord and want to serve Him.   You have blessed your church and community with your service, and I pray the Lord will bless you as well.

I also want to say a thank you to the church at large.  There are many of you that are not able to help with VBS but you lift us up in prayer leading up to VBS and each night of VBS.  I know God hears your prayers and we are blessed because of them.  There are also many that give financially to the ministry of the church.  VBS costs money, that is the bottom line, but we never have to worry because our church gives to the budget and takes care of that need without even a thought.  It is a blessing to be a part of such a supportive church.  You do not balk when we take over the church for a week, put out decorations, take over your Life Group class.  You allow us to do all of this because you love the Lord and want to serve Him.  To all of you that silently support through prayer, giving financially, and giving us space, we say thank you!  You share in the blessing that God brings to our church!

We leave VBS physically tired but spiritually full!  We know God loves to work through His faithful people that want to serve Him with a pure heart.  That is the exact thing we have at Oakhill, faithful people!  Thank you for everything!  I am so blessed to be your Children’s Pastor!


Posted by Bryan Gotcher with

Student Ministry - July 2021

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Dear Church Family,

I hope you are having a great summer so far! When you read this, our students will have just returned from camp where we learned about how to be a light in the darkness. We have also already been on an adventure in Marengo Cave and had a pool party together. But while we were together, we took some time to do the most important thing: we looked to God’s word and learned about what He wants the most from us. And so in this article, I want to tell you about the topic we are discussing in the Student Ministry this summer during our events.

For our devotions and discussions this summer, we are asking the question, “what does God want most from us, and what does that look like?” The answer to this question is clearly described in the Bible. But when someone asks you that question, it can be hard to know exactly how to answer it. The question asking “what does God want most from us?” is really just another way to ask, “what is the greatest commandment?”. If you recognize the latter question, then you remember when Jesus was asked that very question in Matthew 22:36. Jesus’ answer tells us exactly what God wants most from us: Love for God. That is what God wants from us the most, love for Him. But Jesus goes farther than what He was asked and gives the second most important thing that God wants from us too. And that is to love our neighbor as ourselves.

This is what God wants. He wants us to love Him first, and then to love other image bearers of God just as much as we love ourselves. This means self-love over others-love is sinful. And it means that love for anyone or anything over love for God is sinful. It is a direct rebellion against God to love something more than Him, and to love yourself to the neglect of your neighbor. This is an intense statement, but what is more is that Jesus also goes on to say that all of the Law is based on these two truths. That’s huge!

So what does this look like and how do we do it? How do we love God and others if this is what He wants most from us? Well, the students and I have been going to the Ten Commandments in Exodus 20 to see how this plays out. I would encourage you to go read Exodus 20:1-17 and see how the first four commandments clearly explain how to love God above all else, and how the last six commandments clearly explain how to love your neighbor. 

This seems so great and simple! All we have to do is love God and others as described in the Ten Commandments! But that is actually the problem. We are born loving ourselves first . We all fail daily at living out what God wants most from us. We all fail to love God and others above ourselves. We are all rebels against God’s design for life. (If you are not convinced of this, please read Matt. 5:21-48 and Rom. 3).

So if that is true, then what are we to do to have life? The answer is to trust in Jesus as Lord and Savior. He is the one who takes away our sins, cleanses us within, and gives us new hearts by the Holy Spirit to love God (Psalm 51:10-12, Rom. 5:5-11, Eph. 1:7-14). As we trust in Jesus, we are given power both to want to love God and to actually love God in how we live. So if your love for God is cold, do what the Bible says and turn to Jesus. He will clean you and give you a renewed love for the Lord and a zeal to live it out. 

Posted by Brian Van Doren with

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