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June Pastor Points

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Dear Church Family,

This month I just want to share with you how much I love you all!  In May, I celebrated my ninth anniversary as your pastor and I can honestly say these have been the most fruitful years of my ministry.  Of course, God is the one who has brought the increase to His church, but you all have had a lot to do with it as well. 

Some of you have been here the whole nine years and to you I say thank you for being willing to follow, love, give, and serve!  From my first Sunday I shared the convictions of ministry that God had placed upon me and you all have been faithful to follow and support each step of the way.  We have seen changes to ministry structure, new leaders, built buildings, raised money together, and have seen lives radically changed by the Gospel of Jesus Christ!  I cannot express to you how thankful I am for your willingness to follow and support.

We have also walked together in the highs of life as we have dedicated our parents and children, attended weddings, graduation parties, and enjoyed church wide fellowships together.  We have also walked through dark valleys together as well.  We have mourned at funerals and prayed together in the middle of crisis in hospital emergency rooms.  In the middle of all of that we have experienced God’s faithfulness to us.  It is in all of these times that my love has grown more and more for this local church.  I just simply want to say that I love you and desire to be the kind of pastor that you all deserve.

My greatest prayer for us is that we fall more passionately in love with Jesus!  I pray that we will continue to worship, grow, serve, and give together for the glory of our great God!  Let’s make every effort to continue to reach out to each other in love and encouragement as we continue to serve our Savior in our church family.

I pray that in the busyness of summer that you will stay plugged in to the many activities that are happening this summer.  The activities that are scheduled this summer are opportunities that you have to reach out to your family, friends, and neighbors and invite them to be a part of what is happening here at Oakhill!!

 I love you and I love being your pastor,

 Pastor Alan


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