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June Women On Mission

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In the world today…

An estimated 1.02 billion people, or about one-sixth of the world’s population, are undernourished.  Every five seconds, a child dies from malnourishment.  In the United States alone, 49 million people—17 million of whom are children—do not have enough to eat.  These are sobering facts for those of us who never miss a meal.  What can we do to help change these numbers?

-statistics cited at GlobalHungerRelief.com

Since 1981 Oakhill has given to a World Hunger Offering, to be used in America and throughout the world in
areas where the need is greatest.  These funds are administered by missionaries already on the field.

 On June 7 World Hunger Bread Loaf Banks will be provided for each family.  Please put these on your dining
table or in a place where the family can see it, talk about it, and put money in it on a regular bases.  This is a good teaching tool for children, helping them to be generous toward others who are in need.

Banks will be returned to the church on August 9.

Women on Mission will meet Monday, June 15 at 7:00 p.m. at the church.  All our ladies are invited to be with us.


Posted by Women On Mission with

June Beats By Mark

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Thank you to Lock In Volunteers
First of all, I want to thank all the parents and adults that helped us pull off two lock-ins in a row!!! It was awesome to have such amazing adults there loving on students and keeping everyone safe. Thank you for your support and thank you for giving up a night of rest to build relationships with some incredible students. I cannot tell you what a pleasure it was working with all of you!!! Thank you again!

Don’t Waste Your Summer
As we head into summer we’ve challenged the students to think about ways to not waste their summer. Summer is often like a diet...we have good intentions, but no follow through. We know we should get things done, but we end up watching a whole lot of TV, playing a whole lot of video games, sleeping alot, and doing nothing particularly productive with friends. None of these are bad on their own, but if all we did during the summer was watch every episode of our favorite show on netflix, then we missed something. We’ve challenged the students to think about things they can accomplish during the next few months of freedom, and made a few suggestions to get them started:
1. Work on a new skill or hobby like learning a new instrument, learning to swim,               learning to sew, learn to cook, or even just honing some skills for the sport they love.
2. Volunteer with an organization you like (Rescue Mission, Boys and Girls Club, our           Food Pantry).
3. Read good books (I realize that feels like a school project, but books have the power     to change us in powerful ways. Read good ones).
4. Develop a consistent habit of Bible study (Students got a packet during Pulse Worship     to help them get started with how to get the most out of their Bible study).

Upcoming Events
If you have not received a summer schedule, you can download one online at www.oakhillbc.org/ministries/students. If your student would like to participate in the day trips we have planned, he or she will need to turn in a summer waiver and sign up online. The summer waiver is included with the schedule.

June 27 King’s Island
7:00 am - 12:30 am that night. Sign up today at oakhillbc.org/events
Cost is $70 and that covers park ticket, lunch, and dinner. Lecrae, Tenth Ave North, and Love & The Outcome will be concert throughout the afternoon/evening.

July 6-10 Junior High Local Outreach
1:00 pm - 5:00 pm each day (tentative times). Sign up today at oakhillbc.org/events
This local outreach opportunity is open to students in 6th - 8th grade. We are running a day camp for Pleasant Ridge Trailer Park that will include games, crafts, bible study, and snacks.

July 13-17 Summer Camp
Sign up today at oakhillbc.org/events. Deadline is June 28
Cost is $299.

We are heading back to Crossings, and the theme this year is Proclaim. The students will learn about how God has called us all to proclaim the great news of His great Gospel.

With deep love,

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