Speaker: Alan Scott
August 07, 2016
Get Ready, It's Coming.
Psalm 121
I. A Definitive Look.
V. 1a
II. A Proper...
July 31, 2016
James 2:14-26
I. Action Flows Out in Consistency.
V. 14-17
II. Action...
July 17, 2016
Beliefs Matter
1st Timothy 4:1-10
I. Detect Error.
- Vv. 1-5
II. Declare...
July 10, 2016
Story: Solus Christus
I. The Story is All About Jesus.
A. Prophet.
- Deuteronomy...
July 03, 2016
Truth - God's Word.
1st Peter 1:22-25; 2:1-3
I. God's Truth is...
June 26, 2016
Six Marks of a Disciple.
I. Faithfully Identify with Jesus.
- Matthew...
June 19, 2016
Fearful Fathers
Psalm 128
I. Base Your Life in Fear. - Vv. 1-2
A. Personally.
June 12, 2016
The Contentment for the Journey.
Philippians 4:10-23
I. The Position of...
June 05, 2016
Right Thinking for the Journey
Philippians 4:8-8
I. Think on the Right Things -...
May 29, 2016
May 15, 2016
The Practice of Peace for the Journey
Philippians 4:4-7
I. Enjoy the Protection of...
May 01, 2016
The Peace for the Journey
Philippians 4:1-3
I. Stand Firm.
- V.1
II. Stand...