Sermon Library

Speaker: Alan Scott


October 08, 2017

Fully surrendered hearts, minds, wills, and lives lead to a life of full trust and...

A Call To Be Authentic

October 01, 2017

By God's grace, we are to train ourselves to be more like Jesus through the practice...

Inside-Out Righteousness

September 24, 2017

Jesus shows how the common understanding of obeying the law fell short of God's...

Upside-Down and Inside-Out

September 17, 2017

Jesus fulfilled the law for his followers, and gives them the power to live joyfully...

The King's Declaration

September 10, 2017

The King's Declaration Matthew 5:1-16 I. A Word of Comfort and Hope. (vv.1-12) II...

The Beginning

September 03, 2017

From the very beginning on his ministry, Jesus announced the kingdom of heaven and...

The Temptation of Jesus

August 27, 2017

Jesus valued God the Father more than anything else as He resisted Satan's attempts to...

The King is Coming

August 20, 2017

From John the Baptist's preaching and Jesus' baptism, we hear God's call for us to...

Parents and Kids

July 16, 2017

Parents must train their children in the wisdom of God so that they are equipped to...

Sexual Fidelity

July 09, 2017

Marriage provides God's way to satisfy our natural sexual desires.

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