Sermon Library

Speaker: Alan Scott

It's Hard in the Valley

April 15, 2018

It's Hard in the Valley Matthew 17:14-27 I. Hard Situations (vv. 14-20) II. Hard...

The King's Victory

April 01, 2018

The King's Victory Matthew 28:1-15 I. The Discovery (vv. 1-4) II. The Revelation...

How Now Shall We Live?

March 25, 2018

How Now Shall We Live? Matthew 16:24-28 I. The Blessing of Losing Yourself. (vv...


March 11, 2018

G.O.A.T. Matthew 15:29-16:12 I. Jesus Heals the Hurting (vv. 29-31) II. Jesus...

Slow Down, Speak Up

March 04, 2018

Slow Down, Speak Up Matthew 15:21-28 I. Jesus Ministers in the Moment. (vv...

Growing Faith

February 18, 2018

Growing Faith Matthew 14:13-33 I. Faith in the Face of Need (vv. 13-21) II. Faith...

The Tragedy of Unbelief

February 11, 2018

The Tragedy of Unbelief  Matthew 13:53-58; 14:1-12 I. Unbelief Obscures the...

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