October 16, 2016 | Alan Scott
Passage: 1 Peter 2:11-25
Truth for Life - Submit
1st Peter 2:11-25
I. Submission to the Lord - Vv. 11-12
A. Inward Submission
B. Outward Testimony
II. Submission Like the Lord. - Vv. 21-25
III. Submission for the Lord. - Vv. 13-20
A. Government
a. We Are Commanded to Submit. - V. 13a
b. We Have Motivation to Submit. - V. 13b
c. We Have Reason to Submit. - V. 13c-15
d. We Apply What it Looks Like to Submit. - Vv. 16-17
B. Work
a. Attitude is Everything. - V. 18
b. Opportunity is Everywhere. - Vv. 19-20.
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