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Student Ministry July 2017

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Dear Church Family,

In my last article letter I talked a lot about fighting sin by resting in the gospel. I truly believe that the    gospel is the answer to all of life’s problems. When we rest in Christ’s saving grace and become more like Him as He matures us in life, we become much more capable to overcome all the curveballs that life throws us. That is what it means to “do all things through Christ who strengthens” us. But how do we grow in Christ? How do we mature? Colossians 1:28 says that we are to proclaim Christ so that people would mature in the faith. Paul then writes in Colossians 3:16 to tell us that we must let the word of Christ richly dwell in us. We can easily perceive that Paul sees Christian fellowship and personal growth to be directly connected to scripture. Where can you find the “word of Christ?” Where does one find the gospel in order to proclaim it? It is God’s word that is constantly pointing us to Christ and His salvation. We must be intimately acquainted with God’s word, because Jesus is its main character. When we read God’s word to see how it points us to the Savior, even in the Old Testament, we will come to understand elements of the gospel that we never thought of before. God uses His word to point us to Christ and grow us in our faith. So what does this have to do with students?

Well, if you’re an adult reading this, I hope you will ask yourself how this reality affects your time in the word. But it certainly has implications for students and children as well. I find it very interesting that much of today’s student ministry does not encourage students to read the Bible. Nor does much of it really involve teaching scripture to the students. There are actually ministries that rarely even read from the Bible during their “Bible Study” times. This is a disservice to God’s people. Fortunately, there are many people who have seen this and are reacting to the lack of Bible use in student ministry. But our spiritual maturity is not simply an issue of the use of the Bible at church. That does make a huge impact, but what is even more influential to our maturity is our personal times of reading and reflection of God’s word. This is absolutely essential to the development and continued growth of children, youth, and even adults.  Parents should read Bible stories to their children and talk to them about Jesus at the youngest possible age. Children should be encouraged to read children’s Bible books as soon as they can read. Youth should be held accountable by their parents and friends to read the Bible and talk about how it points to Christ’s salvation and presence in their lives. Adults should be meeting with other adults to discuss what they have been reading and learning about the gospel from their personal times in the word. Imagine what God could do in our lives if we were devoting time for Him and His word daily!

But why am I writing about all of this again? Here’s why. I need to be reminded of these truths every day. I need to have     someone remind me to be in God’s word. And I don’t think I’m alone. I think our students really need help to stay focused on God in the midst of the craziness summer. They need their friends, families, and random people to invest in them and push them to be studying God’s word. I can assure you that we are proclaiming Christ in our student ministry and church-wide programing, but what I need your help with is the day-to-day exhortation to look to Christ in His word. If you see a student you know, ask them how their Bible studies/quite times are going. Encourage them to keep at it or start back up if they haven’t been doing quite times lately. Sometimes all we need is a caring friend to make a suggestion for us to live obediently for Christ. I hope this will leave you encouraged to help others grow in Christ (and to grow yourself!) simply by getting together with God in the scriptures.


Brian Van Doren


Posted by Brian Van Doren with

Spare Change July 2017

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Get a New Perspective

Much of life is about perspective.  How we view our circumstances greatly impacts our attitude and actions.  Let me give you a simple example.  If you view children as a burden then they will always be bothersome to you.  Their messes and loud noises will be frustrating.  However, if you view them as blessings then you are able to pass over the little annoyances and realize they are a gift from God.

Often times we look at our situation and just see the negative.  Sometimes we can't help it.  We get so wrapped up in our own little bubble that it becomes difficult to see anything from a different perspective.

When we do look up, often it is to look at other people's situations, which only further increases our frustration.  We look at others around us and realize what they have or what they get to do and we envy them.  All the while not really having an honest perspective on our situation.  Case in point-- I often feel like a failure as a father.  I get frustrated too easily.  I don't offer grace in the right situations.  I often don't feel like a good parent.  Then I hear from a good friend that another father was using me as an example of someone he looks up to as a father.  He thinks that I am a good father and aspires to be like me.  This blew me away.  I thought to myself, "guess I have him fooled".  But the reality is I am probably doing better than I think.  Even though I struggle often, and need the grace of Jesus everyday, it was nice to be encouraged by this man.

The same can be true with our possessions.  It is easy to get down on say, an older car that you hate to drive, especially when you look at other people's cars.  But if you change your perspective you can change your attitude.  You just have to see things differently.  Choose to look at your car as a blessing.  From  working at our food pantry I know so many people that would look at any car, no matter how old, as a blessing.

Remember, when you're looking at someone else with envy,  there is probably someone looking at you with envy.  I say all this not so we will continue in envy but rather be content and thankful for what we have.  When you change your perspective from man's point of view and reorient your mindset to a biblical point of view you can't help but be thankful.  You start to think about things as blessings.  You start to see your situation as an opportunity to bring God glory.  This is the exact mindset God wants us to have in all things.  Will you choose to view your circumstances like that?   With a thankful attitude that sees life's situations as divine appointments and every opportunity and possession as a blessing; in this way you will in turn be blessed.

And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be   thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God. And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.  Colossians 3:15-17


Posted by Bryan Gotcher with

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