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Spare Change - September 2019

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                                         Perseverance is a Spiritual Discipline

I’ve been thinking a lot about recent high-profile believers (or as some would say  Christian celebrities) recanting their faith.  I have concluded that perseverance in the faith is a spiritual discipline that must be practiced daily.  To stay faithful to Christ, through all the ups and downs of life, is no small feat.  It requires daily submission to Christ and a faith that grows as life experiences pile up.  The real problem with all this revolves around the validity of God’s Word.  It goes after the very essence of what is true.

As orthodox believers, we have always claimed that God’s Word is the foundation of our faith.  We believe it is truly the perfect and inerrant Word of God.  That it is more than just words on a page, but when studied with the intent of learning and growing, that God actually speaks to our heart through it.  We are taught to take our experiences and look at them through the lens of scripture.  As we struggle against trials and temptations, we know our God keeps His promises.  We believe that “for those who love God all things work together for good.” (Romans 8:28).

However, these apostates, now denying Christ, claim to come to these realizations after considering their life experience (as if life experience negates truth) and now they do not believe in the validity of God’s Word.  Because of cultural pressure, their own feelings, and their own struggles, they stop believing the Word of God is true.  At some point they listened to a teacher or preacher and had an experience.  Only God can say if it was a genuine experience, but by their own testimony it probably wasn’t.  This experience carried them for a long time as they learned and grew but, at some point, what they were seeing in life did not match up to their beliefs and they had to choose.  Do they truly believe the gospel of Jesus Christ or do they believe the version of truth that the world is selling?

While this seems new and is undoubtedly new to these Christ deniers, it is not new.  These people do not have the market on troubling experiences or on doubts about God’s Word.  This experiencing life through your own truth is a form of religious liberalism.  The doctrines about scripture are denied, as are the doctrines about Christ and many other things.  The problem is they want to keep their fame, their influence and even their spirituality but without Christ.  We must ask, without Christ, does any of that really matter?

Paul would argue from 1 Corinthians 15 that without the gospel of Jesus Christ our faith is in vain. In fact, if the  gospel of Christ is not real then we should all live by whatever truth we deem acceptable.  But, if the gospel of Christ IS TRUE then we must stay true to that belief no matter what happens in life.

That means we must look at life through the lens of the gospel.  When hard times come, we know God is in control.  When we face an illness, we know we are in God’s hands.  Whatever comes our way we know that Jesus is right there in the middle of it with us.  This is called perseverance.  We must see the ability to persevere through all life’s storms as a spiritual discipline that we grow in.  We must daily submit our doubts, fears, and notions from culture to Christ.  That doesn’t mean we don’t have any of these, it just means we work them out in a way that corresponds with our faith.  We also realize that sometimes we have to seek to overcome them because they are temptations to sin.

Faith in Jesus was never meant to be easy, but we stand on the shoulders of many believers that have come before and have faced similar obstacles to their faith.  They have persevered just as we must persevere.  The words of Paul in Philippians 2:12-13 have always given me great comfort when dealing with perseverance, “Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, so now, not only as in my presence but much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure.”


Posted by Bryan Gotcher with

Student Ministry - September 2019

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Dear Church Family,

As Pastor Nick recently shared from the pulpit, the gospel is something Christians should always try to give away to others. This is because it is the only source of life. That is what Christian ministry is all about, living according to the gospel and sharing the gospel with others. Ephesians 4:11-12 says, And he gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the shepherds and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ” We have many wonderful born-again students at our church, and this verse tells us that it is the responsibility of the church to equip them to live out their faith and reach people they know with the gospel. This is not just an adult calling… this is the Christian’s calling.

Therefore, this fall we will be starting a message series called GO! It will be broken into two main series subtitles: GO! Be a Disciple and GO! Make Disciples. These messages will be looking at Jesus’ call to His first disciples: “And Jesus said to them, ‘Follow me, and I will make you become    fishers of men.’” (Mark 1:17). We will expand on how the Bible instructs Middle and High Schoolers to follow Jesus in their context as well as how to help others begin to follow Christ. These are the two major aspects of being a Christian, and it is imperative that we help our    students live them out. Students need every encouragement they can get to faithfully follow Christ in a culture that is constantly trying to lure them away. They must see what it looks like to be a true disciple in this generation. They need biblical truth applied to their every-day experiences that will help them continue to keep Christ their priority! But it must not stop there. They also need help to see what it looks like to share their faith with their friends. Many people don’t share their faith because they don’t know how to. They haven’t really thought through what they should say or how to bring it up in a casual conversation. That’s why many students tend to keep their faith segmented from other parts of their lives.

Nowhere is that truer for a student than when they are with their unbelieving peers. In the peer-pressurized culture our students live in, it seems impossible to share your faith. And that is why students need to hear what the Bible has to say about this. If our students buy into the cultural practice of following the crowd and trends of the day, then they will be swayed by anything the world has to offer. But if they are committed to following Christ and being ready to share their faith, then they will be able to sway others to follow Him as well. Instead of trying to find fulfillment in what others have to offer, they will be the ones offering to those in need true fulfillment in the gospel. They will become the dragnet used by God to bring many others to Christ and into the church. Through them, God will “add to their number day by day.”

This is our goal, that our students would follow Christ daily and become “fishers of men” instead of followers of culture. Please pray for the Student Ministry this Fall, that God would use our students to “catch” many more students as they daily live out and share the gospel.


Brian Van Doren


Posted by Brian Van Doren with

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