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Women On Mission - June 2023

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Indiana Baptist 4/19/72 - Oakhill to Expand Parking, Building”
The approval of a bus ministry and of improvements to the church facilities came at the April business meeting of Oakhill Baptist church, Evansville. The existing rear wall of the church auditorium will be removed to accommodate more people in worship services. The church parking lot will be enlarged to the north. A church bus will be purchased and a bus ministry begun. William Carter is pastor of the church.

Indiana Baptist 4/19/72 - “Breaking SS Records Becomes Oakhill Habit”
Breaking Sunday School attendance records has become a habit at Oakhill Baptist Church, Evansville. The church’s record was broken five successive Sundays. The year-old Sunday School attendance record was 170, when a new one was established March 5th of 172; the next Sunday attendance was 175; then 193, next 194, and finally 216 on April 2nd. The March average was 50 more per Sunday than March of 1971.

Indiana Baptist 4/19/72 - “Summer Worker Named by Evansville Church”
Miss Cindy Boultinghouse, a student at Georgetown (KY) College, has been called as part-time youth director of Oakhill Baptist Church, Evansville. She will be working this summer with children ages 4-8. Pastor William Carter says that another summer youth director will be secured to work with youth, ages 9 and above.

Northside Reporter, 4/12/72 - “Choir Dedication Service Scheduled”
The Adult Choir of Oakhill Baptist Church will observe a Choir Dedication Service at 7:30 pm in the church at 4615    Oakhill Road. The Candlelight Service will feature special music by the choir, under the direction of Mrs. Marian Thomas. Organist is Mrs. Darlele Knight. The public is invited to attend. The choir will sing three selections, Feed My Lambs, Kum Ba Yah, and Shepherd of Love. The Rev. William Carter, pastor, will have the sermon for the service.

Northside Reporter, 5/17/72 - “Softball League Will Get Underway May 19th”
The Slow-Pitch Softball League, sponsored by Oakhill Baptist church, will get underway for the season on Friday, May 19th. Over 100 northside boys, ages 8 to 14, will be participating in the church-sponsored league. The playing season is May 19th to July 24th.  The boys will play every Friday and Saturday at the baseball diamond at Oakhill Baptist, 4615 Oak Hill Road. Churches sponsoring teams in the league include, Bethlehem United Church of Christ, Oak Hill Presbyterian,   Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran, Olivet Presbyterian, and Oakhill Baptist, which sponsors two teams. Coaches for the teams are Bethlehem, Leroy Blankenship; Oak Hill Presbyterian, Charles Wright; Shepherd of the Hills, George Roeder; Olivet, Rev. Onesimus Rundus; and Oakhill Baptist, Bob Davis and Bill Whitmore. The Rev. William Carter is pastor of Oakhill Baptist Church.

We can all work together to assist the world’s hungry families by giving sacrificially to the Global Hunger Relief Fund. World Hunger banks will be available for each family on Sunday, June 4th. They will be returned Sunday, August 27th.

Women on Mission will meet Thursday, June 1st at 1:00 pm in the Grace classroom. All ladies are invited to join us.

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The Stats - June 2023

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May 7

May 14

May 21

May 28

8:00 AM Worship





9:30 AM Worship





11:00 AM Worship





Worship Total





Hispanic Worship





Total Worship





Oakhill Budget Offering





Mission Club





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