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Worship Ministry - July 2023

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The Love of God 

I have been lucky enough to have the opportunity of having my father as a great ministry mentor.  He has served the local church for thirty-five plus years, most of which was in music ministry. I am thankful that I can call him at any moment and have the ear of someone who has “been there and done that.” He is a great father, a great friend, and a great mentor. 

One phrase that my father says when wrapping up choir or band practice that has stuck with me through my ministry was, “love you and mean it.” This is a simple phrase and there is nothing new or profound about it; however, by just adding two little words to a phrase we all use every day, “mean it,” deepens it.

Loving people is messy. Loving people takes work. Saying “I love you” is easy, meaning it is hard. It isn’t necessarily in our nature to give ourselves away, to sacrifice, or to put
others before ourselves. It is much easier for us to say “I love you” than it is to live it out in a tangible way. 

Blackaby writes this in “Experiencing God”

Love assumes the best about others. If someone inadvertently offends you, you choose to believe the offense was unintentional. If someone seeks to harm you, you “bear all things,” forgiving unconditionally. If a positive light can be shed on a difficult encounter, you grasp it. If someone continually provokes you, you “endure all things.” You never lose hope in the ones you love. You practice the same unconditional love toward others that Christ gives to you. God loves us and He means it! 

John 3:16 - For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. 

God, due to His abundant love for us, sent His son to earth to take on the punishment we deserved. If that isn’t “meaning it,” I don’t know what is! God forgives “unconditionally” when we surrender to Jesus' authority. God is immensely patient with us and “endures” when we fail Him. God is our hope in our greatest times of need, our hope every day. It is through God’s love that we find life! 

So, as children of God, what are we to do? How can we not only tell God and tell people that we love them but also mean it? We endlessly strive to love people like Christ first loved us! We sacrifice for others, for the glory of God. “You practice the same unconditional love toward others that Christ gives to you.” 

Mark 12:30-31 - 30 Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ 31 The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’  There is no commandment greater than these.”

Lyric of the Month
For God so loved the world that He gave us
His one and only Son to save us
Whoever believes in Him will live forever

Psalm 119:11
7 Love bears all things, believes all things,
hopes all things, endures all things.
8 Love never ends.

Posted by Evan Gray with

Women On Mission - July 2023

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Along with many other churches in the 1970’s, Oakhill had an active bus ministry. This is a letter written by a young boy to George McEuen, one of our bus drivers. It is addressed to Pastor Rev. Roy Jones.

Bro. Jones
I want to Nominate Big George as Man of The Year.  He Takes Some of us Kids to Sunday School each week.  IF he Cant Take us No one else From The Church Comes After Us.  He Cares.  He Talks To Our MoMMies & Daddy Maybe Someday They Will go Two.  Tommies DiD One Time.  He gave Them some MoNey To get something To eaT.  He get us goodys.  And TeLLs Us BOuT Jesus AND Heaven.  He is good To US.  And he has Big hands Like Jesus.  I wish DADDY is Like him cause I KNOW Big George WouLD Never geT drunk And Tear up Our house of Toys or Whip us. Mommy said you wouldn’t Choose hiM so I couldn't WriTe. donT TeLL Her buT do Choose hiM.  I Like To CoMe To SuNday SchooL.

Newsletter Article October 1971 - Losing Sunday School leader hikes 3 miles to give plaque to contest-winning church”
Allen W. Hill, Sunday School director for Northeast Park Baptist Church of Evansville, walked three miles Nov. 7 to present a plaque to Oakhill Baptist Church of the same city.  Hill’s church lost a contest over which church could raise its October Sunday School attendance the highest percentage above its average for June, July, and August.  The loser, Hill, with a 27 percent increase walked the three miles between churches to present the plaque to his Oakhill counterpart, Robert D. Williams.  Oakhill Baptist Church upped its October average by 48 percent above its summer average.  The October contest will be repeated for the next two years with the church winning the most years getting to keep the plaque.  Bill Carter is pastor of Oakhill Baptist Church, while Robert White is pastor of Northeast Park Baptist Church. (Robert Williams is the late husband of Joanne Williams).

Women on Mission will meet Thursday, July 16th at 1:00 pm in the Grace classroom. All ladies are invited to be with us.

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