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Pastor's Points August 2016

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Dear Church Family,

I want to take this time to publicly thank Mark Alliett for all he has done for us while he has served as our Associate Pastor of Students.  Mark has served diligently and has invested a lot of himself into the lives of our students.  I know it is hard to say goodbye, but we must and as we do I want to encourage our church family to pray about a few things.

  1. Pray for Mark.

This is a big transition for him and we need to pray for him to hear clearly God’s leading as he goes forward.  Pray that Mark feels the peace of God during this time and that he would boldly follow wherever God leads him.

  1. Pray for our Students.

This is a big transition for them as well.  Pray that God would comfort them during this transition.  Pray that they would remain faithful and put into practice the things that Mark invested in them.

  1. Pray for the Interim Time.

Pray for continued involvement by the students as we are searching for our next student minister.  Pray for the other pastors who are going to help out during the interim.  Pray for the student leaders who will continue to invest in the students as well.

  1. Pray for the Search Process.

We have already begun the search process for our next student minister.  Pray God leads us to exactly who he would have us bring to Oakhill.  Pray for God to prepare the hearts of our students, youth workers, church staff, and church family as we will be adjusting to a new person in this very important role.

  1. Pray for our next Student Pastor.

We do not know who this person is yet, but God does.  Pray for him to be open to the leading of God in his life.  Pray for him to know clearly God’s movement in his life as God brings us together in a new adventure of ministry together. 

So as you can see the main thing I would ask you all to do right now is to pray!  Let’s seek God’s face together as He leads us into a new chapter of ministry together.  I know that God has so much more in store for us right around the corner!!

I love you and I love being your pastor!!


Posted by Alan Scott with

Women On Mission August 2016

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Southern Baptists have always been concerned about the plight of world hunger. 

In the mid-1970s, a worldwide food shortage caused us to develop an organized response to the problem.  We have served the hungry throughout history, but the first World Hunger Day in the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) was in 1978.

SBC giving records for world hunger date back to at least 1977.  In 1997, a resolution passed by the SBC referred to the “world hunger fund”, an informal way of talking about money given to help conduct hunger ministries.

Only the offering for Global Hunger Relief uses 100% of all contributions to provide relief for hunger related causes, including not just food, but also clean water and education.  This is possible because of personnel are already in place and administrative and promotional costs come from other budgets.  The North American Mission Board receives 20 cents of  every dollar to support hunger projects in the United States.  Eighty cents of every dollar goes to  the International Mission Board to be used for
hunger relief, including water well drilling, agricultural education, water purification, etc.

When Southern Baptists give food or teach better ways to grow it, they are there for the long haul, seeking to build relationships with people and eventually lead them to a relationship with Christ. 

— written by Ann Knowles

In the world today …..

An estimated 1.02 billion people, or about one-sixth of the world’s population, are undernourished.  Every five seconds, a child dies from malnourishment.  In the United States alone, 49 million people - 17 million of whom are children - do not have enough to eat.  These are sobering facts for those of us who never miss a meal.  What can we do to help change these numbers?                    

   —statistics cited at GlobalHungerRelief.com

We will receive banks back at the church on August 14th.  These may be left at the Welcome Center.

Women on Mission will meet Monday, August 8th at 6:00 p.m. at the church.  All ladies are invited to join us.


Posted by Women On Mission with

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