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Spare Change - March

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Upward Basketball & Cheerleading

I want to say a huge THANK YOU to all our amazing Upward volunteers.  We have so many people that coach, referee, set-up, run the scoreboard, run the concession stand, and clean up each week.  They work so hard to make this ministry successful. We have been able to share the gospel with all the kids in our league.  We also have connected with several families this season and some have attended worship. I am so thankful to our church family that supports this ministry by lifting it up in prayer.  Continue to pray for us as we have our Upward Celebration and Tournament on March 6th and 7th respectively.

VBS Volunteer Sign-up

VBS is June 22nd - 26th.  We are so excited for VBS this year-- put on your hard hat and get your jack hammer ready, the theme is Concrete & Cranes!  We expect a lot of kids this year, so we need LOTS of volunteers. Volunteer registration starts March 1st. You can register online at http://www.oakhillbc.org/connect/events/ or fill out a paper form in the church foyer.  We will have a mandatory VBS volunteer training on April 19th after the 11 a.m. worship service.  Please pray about getting involved. We need help with lots of different roles including VBS guides, teachers, crafts,      recreation, missions, administration, and security. There is a place for you to serve at VBS this year!

Community Easter Egg Hunt
We are so excited because this year our Community Easter Egg Hunt will be the first event at our new property (Olivet Community Church 5600 Oak Hill Rd).  The hunt will be on Saturday, April 11th from 1 - 3 p.m. We have over 8,000 eggs! We need our church family to help us out with three things:  

  1. Spread the word, invite everyone you know that has kids.  
  2. Donate candy, we need lots of candy to fill 8,000 eggs.  It needs to be small enough to fit in a plastic egg.  
  3. Help us fill eggs on April 1st, either at 9 a.m. or 6 p.m. in the fellowship hall.


Posted by Bryan Gotcher with

Student Ministry - March

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Dear Church Family,
There are some really exciting things going on in the life of our Student Ministry, and I want to make sure you know about them! Here are a few reasons you need to know: First, if you are a parent or grandparent to a student (6th-12th grade), then these are the things that will help he or she have a deeper commitment to and a more faithful and fruitful walk with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Second, these are ways to get your students’ friends involved and plugged in so they can hear the gospel and be influenced by a Christ centered community. Thirdly, whether you have a student or not, adult volunteers are necessary… not just because we need help setting up and tearing down (which is so helpful!), but also because students need meaningful relationships with adults who are investing in them. Statistics (and wisdom) tell us that those relationships are what keep students engaged in church after high school…      volunteering isn’t just about doing things, it’s about presence and relationships. And finally, we need you to pray for the students, their families, and this ministry. Without us calling on the name of the Lord, we are just spinning our wheels. So, as you read about what is happening in the Student Ministry, please pray that God would be present and active so that lives will change and He will be glorified!

Coming April 3-5 is our Student Retreat. The theme is “Restless.” We are going to spend a weekend at Crossings, Cedarmore learning about God’s desire for us to rest in Jesus. The world will run us ragged if we are not disciplined about rest. In Christ, we have an everlasting rest for our souls that begins now! My hope and prayer is that through this retreat students will be set free from the burden of pressure, anxiety, and depression as we intentionally relax in Christ. Information and registration are online at oakhillbc.org/events or in the Lobby. Registration and payment are due by March 22. Please don’t let a student miss out on this.

We’ve begun a new study during our Sunday night Student Gatherings (5pm-7pm) that has the potential to drastically strengthen someone’s faith and answer genuine questions about Christianity. The study is called, “What’s So Great About the Bible?” Many students don’t know the answer to that question. And because they don’t know why the Bible is so  amazing, they have a harder time taking it seriously. We want to bolster our understand of God’s Word so that we will want to hear it more and more. Also, we spend 45 minutes playing in the gym after our study, so it’s just a great time overall!

Finally, our Wednesday night Life Groups (6pm-7:30pm) are starting a new study this month called “The Prodigal Son.” Obviously, it will be about the parable that Jesus told, and it will focus on how a fulfilling life is found only in the arms of the Father. We don’t need to look to popularity, good grades, skill in sports, relationships, or appearance to find fulfillment. And when we try to find it in those things, they leave us depressed, upset, and feeling worthless. But because of Christ’s saving work on the cross, God’s arms are open to embrace us no matter how far away we have roamed. That is a message students need now more than ever.

Please pray for us as we seek to point our students to Christ in these ways and more. I am praying for you as you do the same in your homes.

Brian Van Doren


Posted by Brian Van Doren with

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