Sermon Library

Speaker: Alan Scott

The Supremacy of Christ

September 15, 2019

The Supremacy of Christ Hebrews 1:1-3 I. Jesus is the Better Prophet (vv. 1-2a) II...

As God Moves, We Move

September 08, 2019

I. God is... A. Present B. Faithful C. Caring D. Guiding II. God's People...

The Real Thing on Display

September 01, 2019

The Real Thing on Display Luke 6:27-36 I. Act in Supernatural Love (vv. 27-28) II...

The Missing Ingredient

August 04, 2019

The Missing Ingredient Revelation 2:1-7 I. A Word of Commendation (vv. 1-3) II. A...

Love God Supremely

July 14, 2019

Love God Supremely Luke 14:25-33 I. Prioritize Your Savior (vv. 25-26) II. Bear...

God is Love

July 07, 2019

The Real Thing 1st John 4:9-12 I. God the father Initiates  Love (v. 9) II...

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