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Women on Mission - December 2020

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Who is this Lottie Moon, anyway?

Charlotte Diggs Moon, 1840-1910, better known as Lottie Moon, became a legend in her own time.  A daughter of old Virginia and one of the best educated women in the South, Miss Moon was petite 4 feet 3 inches.  Her voice is described as deep, rich, gentle, musical, which se used skillfully as a teacher/missionary.  But no photographer ever captured on film the animated, attractive, charming, delightful, energetic, fearless Lottie Moon, although a few photos do exist.

For 40 years she represented Southern Baptists in China.  Again and again she wrote back to America, “Send on the missionaries.”  Once she wrote, “It is odd that the million Baptists of the South can furnish only three men for all China.  I wonder how this looks in heaven.  It certainty looks queer in China.”

After the Japanese-Russian war, economic conditions in China produced much poverty, but there were some new missionaries.  Miss Moon welcomed them, advised them, mothered them, and loved their children, who adored her in  return.  The Chinese women and children came and went in her home as if it were their own.  If the Pingtu Christians were starving, Miss Moon would not eat.  By December of her seventieth year she was so frail the doctors sent her back to the States.  But enroute on Christmas Eve, while the ship rode at anchor in Kobe, Japan, Miss Moon died.  The memory of such a life never ends.

In 1918, Annie Armstrong, the woman who refused marriage to a China missionary so she could fulfill her calling as the leader of mission support among Southern Baptist women in the homeland, wrote: “Miss Moon is the one who suggested the Christmas    offering for foreign missions.  She showed us the way in so many things.  Wouldn’t it be appropriate to name the offering in her memory?”* And so it was.

Our Lottie Moon Christmas Offering goal is $18,000. Offering envelopes will be provided for each family.

Women on Mission will not meet in December.    

Posted by Women On Mission with

Pastor's Points - November

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Dear Church Family,

I pray you are doing well and trusting in the Lord during these difficult times that we are living in. This month I was going to write a devotion about generosity, but as I was preparing to do so I came across a devotion by Dr. Charles Stanley on this very topic. In it he interacts with the story of the widow woman who gave her last two copper coins, which was all she had. And out of this story Dr. Stanley asks the question…

Are you generous?
Maybe you feel that giving liberally is a luxury you can’t afford. Yet the most generous financial gift mentioned in Scripture had very little monetary value. Often called “the widow’s mite,” this small gift has inspired believers through the ages to give freely. Let’s look at the message conveyed by this sacrificial gift.

Read the passage in Mark 12:41-44 - The True Measure of a Gift - Because Jesus saw the hearts of everyone, He knew these rich people were not committed to God (Mark 12:41). They carefully observed the external requirements of their faith, including  tithing (see Luke 11:42). But their devotion to the Lord was almost non-existent. They gave to be praised by men.

- What did Jesus say about those who give to earn people’s admiration (Matt. 6:1-4)?
- Do you ever fall into the trap of giving primarily for the approval of others? Why do you think this is?

The widow gave “two small copper coins, which amount to a cent” (Mark 12:42). The King James version refers to them as “mites.” Although we cannot calculate their exact value in today’s money, we know these were the smallest coins used by the Jews at the time.

- What is surprising about how Jesus viewed the widow’s contribution (Mark 12:43-44)?

This passage teaches that God considers the motive, attitude, and financial condition of the giver when determining the gift’s value.

What should our attitude be, according to 2 Corinthians 9:7?

The Adam Clarke Commentary says that “the poorest person has it in his power to make his mite as acceptable to the Lord, by simplicity of intention, and purity of affection, as the millions given by the affluent.”

- How does this fact motivate you to give generously?

The widow gave “all she had to live on” (Mark 12:44). In other words, the widow forfeited the money that would have bought food for the day. Her gift demonstrated amazing trust in God. Imagine you lost your wallet and needed to buy gas in order to make it home. If you found a five dollar bill in your pocket, would you give it away to a street beggar, trusting God to provide a way for you to get home? Although this illustration isn’t perfect, it gives you some idea of how the widow may have felt.

Sacrificial Financial Giving - Those who have an abundance usually spend it on themselves--better possessions, nicer vacations, or upgraded homes or cars. Or they may pay for more services and conveniences. Those with financial shortages often resist giving to the Lord’s work or to those less fortunate. They cling to what little they have, fearing there won’t be enough if they give.

- Do you see yourself as one who has an abundance of wealth (money and/or goods) or a shortage?

No matter which category you fall into, as a believer, you are called to be generous. Even the poor should give to the church and other people in need (Eph. 4:28). This is contrary to worldly wisdom, which says not to give if you have a shortfall. But poverty is not an excuse to hold back. Jesus commended the widow for giving, though she had almost nothing. Each person should give in proportion to his or her income (1 Cor. 16:1-2).

- Are you charitable toward those who are less fortunate than you? How?
- How did the Macedonian church give (2 Cor. 8:2,3)?
- Do you ever give sacrificially? Explain.
- How could you arrange to give up something you want (or have) in order to help spread the gospel or provide for the material needs of another?

I pray this devotion helps guide us as we consider our regular giving to the Lord as well as our 3-yr pledge to the stewardship campaign.

I love you and I love being your pastor!

Posted by Alan Scott with

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