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Worship Ministry - October 2024

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It's hard to believe that Christmas is just around the corner, and that means it’s time to get the choir back together again. In just a few weeks on October 27th, we will begin
practicing for our Christmas Night of Worship (December 15th). Rehearsals will be on Sunday afternoons at 3:00 pm. We will also be joined by the children’s choir (5 years old to 5th grade) for the Night of Worship as well. Practice for the children’s choir will begin November 3rd at 4:30 pm.

Whether you can sing well or you’re a beginner, I would love for you to join us this year as we celebrate the birth of our Savior! Reach out to either me or Jen Church if you have any questions or would like to sign up!

It’s hard not to love Fall, right? The cooling weather, the changing leaves, and the pumpkin spice lattes, what’s not to like? Fall reminds me of the beauty of God’s creation! As the leaves turn from green to red, orange and yellow, nature truly becomes a work of art. The fields are harvested and the pumpkins come out, I’m reminded of God’s provision.

The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork.” Psalm 19:1

Sometimes it feels like we are close to God, that we can reach and touch Him. We are in tune with His will for our lives, we are sold out for Him and our hearts and minds are focused on Him. A lot of days, it feels like He is far away. We are confident that God is there, we trust and hope in Him, and believe in Him, but He doesn’t feel near. It’s on days like this that I have to remind myself that God’s glory is all around us. We can witness God’s beauty, creativity, power, and glory every day we just have to look around us.

From the rising of the sun to its setting the name of the Lord is to be praised. The Lord is high above all nations; His glory is above the heavens.” Psalm 113:3-4

As we witness God’s glory around us, how are we to respond? The simple answer is, with praise. Christine Batchelder (author at the Billy Graham Training Center) writes “Friends, when we open our eyes in the morning, let’s make a conscious decision to praise Him. Let’s make a conscious decision to be more intentional to give God the Glory in everything we do and say. God deserves that because He is so faithful and so good to us. Praise Him! Give Him Glory!”

So, tomorrow when you open your eyes, choose to praise the Lord! Then the next day, when you see the leaves changing color and rustling in the wind, praise the Lord. When you and your family pick that pumpkin, praise the Lord for all He has given you. On that day that you feel alone, cry out to our God and praise Him.

Love you and mean it!

Posted by Evan Gray with

Grow & Go - October 2024

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There are numerous doxologies in Scripture, or statements of praise to our God. We often hear the Apostle Paul give them in the middle of theological issues he is facing where he moves from theology to doxology or praise. Pastor H.B. Charles said that “the purpose of right theology is a high doxology”. In other words, when we have the right posture or theology about who God is, high praise and worship of God should flow from it. The word doxology is not found in the Scriptures but there are many themes where praise, glory, and worship are expressed. We have many reasons to offer a doxology of praise to our God for what He is doing at Oakhill Baptist Church, giving glory to Him for what He has done, and worshiping Him for who He is.

We have much to praise God for what He is doing through the people of Oakhill. In the area of discipleship, we currently have 70 men meeting weekly in 10 different
D-Groups searching the Scriptures together on how to be men who lead biblically in our homes and community. Currently, two different women’s Bible studies are going at
various times on several topics. We have kicked off two new life groups, one for college-age singles, and another for parents with junior high – high school-aged kids. With all these things in mind, the apostle Paul said, “to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen” (Eph 3:21). Our doxology of praise should be the same anthem, giving God the glory for what He is doing in the church, and it is happening because of Christ!

The Lord has been faithful by blessing OHBC exceedingly more than we could begin to ask for over 60 years. Our response should be worship, praise – adoration, and giving God the glory for what He has done. He continues to send out missionaries from our congregation. He continues to fill the baptismal often on Sunday mornings, something that many churches in our community do not see even once in a year. The Lord has opened the doors for missional partnerships in other countries and schools in Vanderburgh County. Our church has witnessed entire families being saved and college students trusting in the Lord for salvation. The after-school kids in the daycare are hearing the gospel from our church volunteers giving their time and talent. Each of these things is amazing and a reason to give God the glory.

The doxology that many of us are familiar with by Thomas Ken is this – “Praise God from whom all blessings flow; Praise Him all creatures here below; Praise Him above ye heav’nly hosts; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.” All the blessings we have and are receiving as Christ’s redeemed are due to the work of our Lord, from whom all blessings flow, and reason to offer Him praise! My reason for sharing all the good things that God has done and is doing is so we the church do not become complacent and constantly reminded who we are to give the glory. It is all happening because of Christ and for Christ so let us offer him together a doxology of praise for all that he has done, all that he is doing, and for his glory.

Posted by Paul Willett with

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