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Grow & Go - December 2023

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I just want to start by saying that I am extremely humbled and thankful to be one of your pastors here at Oakhill leading in Discipleship and Missions.

As many of you who know my wife and I, you will quickly see that we love to spend time with our church family. We love for you to come to our house for a meal, go swimming, hosting life groups, and view our home not just for us, but to do the work of ministry for His Glory, and for the purpose to “advance the gospel” (Phil 1:12). The reason why the desire even exists for the ministry of hospitality is out of the overflow of what Christ has done in our lives. Christ displays the mark for us where we are given, “For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many” (Mk 10:45).

God through His Word has shown us the ministry of hospitality is of so much importance that He has made it a qualification for Elder (1 Tim 3:2) as they oversee the flock that God has entrusted. Therefore, it is imperative that Elder’s do the work of ministry by shepherding the church and being hospitable. Although, this is not just for church leaders to exhibit. There is not a better place for Christ’s redeemed to show hospitality than in our homes with an open-door mindset where people know that when they are among us, they will be loved and cared for. This is important both within the walls of the church and in the public square.

One place we can look for as an example of the ministry of hospitality is in the New Testament at Priscilla and Aquila. They set the bar for us as Christian husbands and wives
doing the work of hospitality ministry together as a team where the Apostle Paul gives us that “The churches of Asia send you greetings. Priscilla and Aquila, together with the church in their house, send you hearty greetings in the Lord” (1 Cor 16:19). Priscilla and Aquila had been relocated, scattered from Rome, and settled in Corinth, but
they were still absolutely resolved to share Christ and right doctrine with others. This duo used their home not only to share a meal with others, but to make disciples, no matter where they had ended up in their journey, and without excuse. For the believer, many of us can think back to a time when a couple like Priscilla and Aquila opened their homes in hospitality, shared a meal, shared their lives, were transparent and real, and more importantly they shared Christ with you.

We just celebrated Thanksgiving when many of us opened our homes to family and friends over a meal. Let me encourage you for this to be the normal pattern of life and opening your doors to the unchurched, “loving your neighbor as yourself” (Lev 19:18; Mk 12:31) by using our homes as places of ministry pointing people to the gospel, and to the local church. It is fruitful and helpful when we can slow the busy patterns of our lives down, share a meal together, talk candidly about the
struggles of this life, while pointing to hope we have through Christ for eternity. It is also helpful that people see that our lives match up to what we say and there is no more intimate place for this to be witnessed than in our homes.

Let me also encourage those who are leading life groups or are a part of a life group at Oakhill, that being hospitable is key for them to be successful. These are places where real gospel community exists to “grow in the grace and the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” (2 Pet 3:18) and for us to be fruitful in this area of ministry requires that we be inviting to those who come to join these groups. Not everyone that comes to our groups will be longtime church members and might even be newer believers, so it is important that we recognize these gatherings to serve Christ by seizing the opportunity to serve others who come.

In closing, the most important reason for hospitality is that it would be an inroad to the gospel. Let the remembrance of what Christ has done in your own life showing you unmerited grace that we did not deserve (Eph 2:8-10) serve as the catalyst to be hospitable. Just as man has a responsibility to respond to the gospel, we also have a responsibility once we have been saved to show hospitality to those who know not Christ, and the hope found in His Word.

  • For further reading this week about hospitality also look at these texts – Heb 13:2; 1 Pet 4:9; Rm 12:13; Tit 1:8;
    Lk 14:12-14; Act 28:2; Is 58:7.
Posted by Paul Willett with

Student Life - December 2023

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In case we haven’t met yet, then I’ll say the rumors are true. Everyone does call me Alex, but this isn’t my first name. It shocks most people, and you can thank my mother, but my first name is actually Larry. So, I just wanted to let you know that now first, in case anyone else was trying to fool you.

But, more importantly, I’m also your new Student Ministry Director! As I write this article, it has already been three weeks since my first day on the job here at Oakhill.
And, I will say, it has been amazing. The family here at Oakhill has been so welcoming and warm to me and also open to this new position in the Student Ministry, and I can’t thank you all enough. I know that interim time here with the Student Ministry has been too long and a big void was left from the faithfulness of BVD and his ministry here. But
I am and have been so excited to step into this role and continue to serve the students here at Oakhill!

To tell you all a little bit about me, I’ll quickly summarize for ya. I was born and raised here in Evansville. I was also a part of this congregation ever since I can remember and started coming to youth group myself in 8th grade. I’ve been involved in the Upward basketball ministry for around 10 years – this ranged from being a player, to a ref, to a coach, and serving wherever else was needed at the time. I became a believer around the age of 13 and started walking very seriously in my faith towards the end of my junior year of high school. After serving Oakhill at any chance I could get, I began to find a heart and passion for ministry and serving the bride of Christ. Once I graduated high school, I chose to take a year off and pray/meditate/ask the Lord for direction in my life and seek whether or not He was calling me to full time vocational ministry. After spending about seven months seeking, while also meeting with Pastor Bryan, I felt the internal calling from the Lord to pursue vocational ministry. And so, after that, I spent five years at Boyce College studying a degree in Youth and Family Ministry.

During my college career, the Lord graciously gave me opportunities to serve in ministry during every summer break. I have served Oakhill with two internship positions and one summer ministry associate position. I also served at Crossings Camp as a summer missionary staffer. I have been incredibly thankful for these opportunities I’ve had and grew tremendously from each one. And now, I believe the Lord has called me to serve on staff here at Oakhill and to serve our Student Ministry. So that is a little about me. If we haven’t met yet, seek me out! I’m looking forward to meeting more and more of Oakhill’s family and working with you all. Thank you for all that you have done for me in
my transition so far, and I pray that we can all grow closer together as we serve our Father.

Alex Kilgore

Posted by Alex Kilgore with

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