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Music Notes

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Welcome New Team Members 

Since this past summer we have added several new team members to the Audio/Video Team and to the Worship Band. I want to welcome Brandon Broshears, Tom Gore, Emma Osborne, Erik Varden, and Amy Walker to the Worship Ministry of Oakhill Baptist Church. It is such a pleasure having you on the team and I am looking forward to serving with you in the New Year! 

Thank You 

I want to thank everyone who has served in the Worship Ministry this past year of 2014. We have grown so much. It has been awesome to see so many people come together to be a part of this team! For everyone on our Audio/Video Teams, Vocal Teams, Instrumental Teams, and so many others I am so thankful. It has been awesome to look back and see how we were able to reach our goals for building teams in 2014. It is such a blessing and an honor to serve with so many wonderful people! 

First Impressions 

I want to thank everyone who has served in the First Impressions Ministry for this past year of 2014. This ministry has grown so much, and it too, has been awesome to see so many people come together to be a part of this team. Thank you to all of our Greeters, Ushers, and Usher/Greeter Team Leaders for serving and leading us every week in this very important area of ministry. 

Children’s Musical and Drama Event 

On Sunday night, January 25th at 6:00 PM, we will be kicking off the preparation for our Children’s Easter Musical and Drama. On Good Friday Night, April 3, 2015 at 7:00 PM, our children will be leading us in a special night of worship and celebration of the Risen Savior. We will have two different groups performing that night – first, the age three to kindergarten group and then first through fifth grade group. As we prepare for this awesome night, we will be meeting on Sunday evenings at 6:00 PM. Again, we will kick this off on January 25th at 6:00 PM. There will be more details to come in the next two weeks. 

Sweetheart Couples Dinner 

On Sunday night, February 8th we will once again be having a Sweetheart Couples Dinner. This event was a huge success last year! We are very fortunate to be able to welcome back comedian, John Felts, as our entertainment for the evening. If you attended last year’s dinner then you probably remember the wacky and hilarious John Felts. Please go ahead and mark your calendars for this event. You won’t want to miss it! 

Blessings to You… Today, Tomorrow, and into the New Year

Greater Things and Future Things

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I am overwhelmed thinking about all that God did for us in 2014!He has been so faithful to us!

Greater Things

This past year as a church family we entered into a campaign called “Greater Things”. This campaign was a call for continued investment by our church family into what God is doing in the life of our church. We had three goals to attain. We wanted to:

  • Maintain what God has given us. (Facilities)
  • Manage where God has led us. (Finances)
  • Minister with God as He leads us. (Future)

We are well on our way to meeting these three goals. This past year we began giving our financial pledges to this campaign which has allowed us to already do many things. We have maintained our facilities by investing in a new shingled roof, repairing thousands of dollars of air conditioning units, and we have positioned ourselves for future growth by developing additional parking spaces. We are also managing our finances by continuing to aggressively pay down our debt to reach our goal of being debt free by the year 2018. All of this has allowed us to add another worship service back in October which has provided more seating capacity for worship, as well as, providing more space for our 2:42 groups. It is awesome to see how God can work through His people when they come together and give sacrificially!

Future Things

I am convinced that God has positioned us this past year to be more effective in ministry than ever before.

  • We have in place now a mission strategy that will allow us to be more focused and effective in our call to be on mission locally, nationally, and internationally. Please be praying for how you can personally be involved by giving and/or going to the lost world all around us.
  • We have updated our constitution and bylaws to reflect who we are as a church family. This may seem not too exciting, but it really is. We now can function effectively and clearly to be all that God would have us to be. We have guiding documents that are written and informed by scripture. That is very important to the life of a church. This document heightens scriptural authority and encourages biblical accountability. We celebrate the fact that we are Jesus Ruled, elder led, and congregationally accountable.
  • We are beginning 2015 with the emphasis of living our life on Mission. In fact, beginning January 25th we will begin a special emphasis called “Life on Mission”. We are going to come together and really understand how to share life with others. I will be leading one large group study for six weeks on Sunday evenings. We will learn how we can be on mission every day; looking for opportunities to impact the lives of our family and friends with the life-changing message of the Gospel. I am praying that this will be a very impactful emphasis on the life of our church!!!

I am so excited for 2015!! I believe God is going to continue to do great things among us because I am convinced He has called us to do even greater things!!!!!!!

I love you and I love being your pastor!

Posted by Alan Scott with
