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August Kid Happenings

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Hello Church Family,

This past month has flew by!  All 26 of our 3rd-6th grade kiddos had an amazing time at camp.  They were able to build friendships, learn more about themselves and their relationship with our Lord, and worship Him in an amazing way.  Oh, and conquer the Blob and Zip Line at the lake!  I am so proud of our young ones.  They represented their families and our church with great respect and love for everyone they encountered.  Thank you parents for investing in your child’s spiritual growth by allowing them to go to camp this summer.  I am confident it is the best money you will spend all year.  I want to give a HUGE THANK YOU to Amy Mehne, Nick Kessler, Jason Futrell, and Melanie Futrell for going with us to camp.  You are a blessing to our children’s ministry.  Thank you for your lack of sleep, exhausting days of walking up and down hills to help a child, being away from your loved ones with no cell service, and nurturing our church kids.  Your time and love for them is very appreciated.

Parents, this coming month your child will promote to their next grade.  On August 9th their current teacher will introduce them to their new teacher and classroom and the following week (August 16th) they will start in their new class.  We will have a few new teachers along with a new concept for 3rd and 4th grade.  Please a
refer to the list to see which room and teacher your child will have.

Thank you for the  opportunity to love on your kids.    

Promotion Sunday Classes & Teachers

Infants - Suzanne Wiandt and *1 Adult Needed*
1’s - *2 Adults Needed*
2’s - Bonnie & Larry Beckham
3’s & 4’s - Carol Albin and Julie Peerman
Pre-K - Lindsey & Nathan Rich
Kindergarten - Steve & Deanna Comer
1st & 2nd Grade - Leah Ice and Sherri Kessler
3rd & 4th Grade Girls - Marjorie Duncan and Robin Hollis
3rd & 4th Grade Boys - Nick Kessler and Keith McDaniel
3rd - 5th Grade 11:00 a.m. - Joe & Amy Walker
5th Grade - Kathy & Randy Flowers
*Contact April Sharp if interested in filling one of the “needed”
positions in the Infants or 1’s classrooms:  *

August Women On Mission

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A Missionary Legacy

In 1812, Ann Hasseltine Judson and Adoniram Judson were newlywed missionaries aboard a ship bound for India, sent out by a Congregational mission society.  Aboard ship, they studied scripture and concluded that they agreed with the Baptist position on baptism and were baptized upon arrival in India.  (They were no longer supported by the Congregationalist).

They were not permitted to remain in India and after many difficulties, settled in Burma.  (Now Myanmar).  Ann was the first American woman in Burma.  Life was difficult and authorities unwelcoming.  Still, Ann and Adoniram set to work, teaching, translating the Bible and evangelizing.  Adoniram was imprisoned for 2 years, and Ann worked to secure his release while trying to provide him with daily food.

Ann died in 1826 and was soon followed by their infant daughter, Maria.  Adoniram then married a missionary widow, Sarah Hall Boardman, who assisted him in translation, teaching women of the Karen tribe, and serving as a school administrator.  She died in 1845.  Adoniram married a third time.  He died in 1850.  The Judson’s ministry to Burma resulted in the winning of countless souls to Christ.

Fast forward to 2015.  My son, David Russell, pastors a Baptist Church in Ames, Iowa.  This summer he attended a seminar in St. Paul, Minn.  On Sunday he visited the First Baptist Church.  It was an old church with declining membership until refugees from Burma (Myanmar) began attending in 2000.  All of them were Baptists, members of the Karen Hill tribe.  The twin city area is home to thousands of Asians.  This church has a vibrant and active congregation, 75 % of them from the Karen tribe of Burma.  Other congregations have formed in the area from other
Burmese tribes.

The Sunday Dave visited was Judson Sunday, commemorating the arrival of the Judson’s in 1813.  This is an annual celebration.  What an amazing story of how God has worked for over 200 years in the lives of these groups from Burma, beginning with the sacrificial ministry of Ann and Adoniram.


* Please return Hunger Banks on Sunday, August 9th.

* A special thank you to Betty Busch, who has made 589 stocking caps over the past 11   years for the International Seafarers Center on  Lake Michigan.  This is a huge help to     Chaplain Marshal Bundren as he ministers to
  international seafarers who come into the port.  Betty’s late sister, Dorothy Grossman,   made 73 hats.

* Women on Mission will meet Monday, August 10th at 7:00 p.m. at the church.  All our      ladies are invited to join us in a time of study, prayer, and fellowship.


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