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Grow & Go - April 2024

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In Christ, We Are Called to Give Counsel

Early on as a new Christian, there was much valuable counsel that was given to me by my pastor and others that shaped my theological understanding of what it meant to follow Jesus. Good books were given to me while others were suggested, key doctrines were explained, sound preaching was heard every Sunday, and more importantly, all my questions (and there were many) were answered. All these questions were being answered through the lens of Scripture while in fellowship and discipleship with my brothers and sisters in Christ. We are all giving counsel to others whether we are in our homes with our spouses, while at work, in church, dealing with our children, or even our parents. Each of us is giving counsel all the time in all that we do. The question that we must ask ourselves in Christ is this; is the counsel we are giving informed by and according to the Scriptures?

On one such occasion that I was counseled early on as a believer, my pastor knowing that I was a fisherman, had asked me to meet in his office. He typically had stacks of thumb-tabbed books on his office desk preparing for sermons. On this given day, however, I walked into his office and he had only one book on his desk, the Bible. He said, “There is likely nothing I could probably ask you about a fish that swims around here that you couldn’t tell me. How to catch it, with what bait to use, the best time of year, etc. Am I right”? I answered, “You’re probably right”.  He then grabbed the Bible from lying atop his desk, held it up high, and paused for a moment. My pastor and friend then said, “That Paul, is how you need to know God’s Word”. He then explained how God’s Word is sufficient and that it will provide all we need, all that I needed, that pertains to life and godliness referencing 2 Peter 1:3. I had no idea at the time how valuable this counsel would end up being in my life, and it was the counsel that I needed to hear at the perfect time God ordained. 

Numerous places in Scripture inform us as believers that we are all to be counselors using the Word of God to speak into other people's lives.  Since the beginning of time, our Sovereign Creator and Lord uttered counsel to Adam and Eve in Genesis 2:16-17 “But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die.” The apostle Paul gives us a picture of what a community of believers giving counsel in action looks like when he said, “Brothers if anyone is caught in any transgression, you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness. Keep watch on yourself, lest you too be tempted” (Gal 6:1). All Christians are to give the whole counsel of God’s Word and be prepared to share the gospel with others. The Book of Psalms provides us with wisdom and the words to pray and praise back to our Holy God because they are about our Holy God giving glory to the Holy God who created us. All Christians being counselors, are to be counseling others by witnessing “the fruit of the spirit” (Gal 5:22-23) and speaking truth into the lives of believers in the theologies of sin, suffering, salvation, and the Church.

Since all Christians are counseling someone in all that we do, our aim should be what Paul exhorted in Colossians 1:28 exclaiming “Him we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ”. Four things are communicated by Paul here that we should recognize from this text alone; proclaiming, warning, teaching, and finally, that people would be viewed as mature Christians. The second of these is what stands out when looked at in the Greek, “warning” which means nouthetountes, translating into the word “counseling”. Paul was speaking to ordinary people here that it was his desire for all of God’s people to give
counsel to others for when they stood before God in judgment they would be seen as “mature in Christ” (Col 1:28).

My prayer is that as you have read this, you will be encouraged to know that as Christians, others are looking to you for wisdom and counseling. There are people everywhere in our sphere of influence who are more anxious, hurt, worried, and scared than seemingly ever before. What people need, what I need, is not self-help, self-diagnosis, or
self-medication. We need the Words of our Redeemer who speaks life into every situation. Every person has the ability as a born-again Christian to be the mouthpiece of the Word within this lost and dying world needing biblical counsel.

Let me encourage you that as one who has been indwelt by the Holy Spirit and given power in Christ, you can give counsel from God’s Word. I pray that it be from “the knowledge of God and our Lord Jesus Christ” (2 Pet 1:2) and a transformed life this counsel flows from.

Posted by Paul Willett with

Student Life - April 2024

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This school semester, pastor Bryan and I desired to teach the students apologetics for the Christian faith and to equip them with a foundation of practical understanding of Christianity. We sought after asking the students: “why do you believe what you believe?” This could look like: why do you believe in creation, or evolution, or Jesus, or God, or even the Bible? We wanted to challenge them to shape their own thoughts and ideas about what they believed, while following closely with facts, truth, and most importantly, biblical truth. I’m pleased to report that during the many weeks of Bryan and I preaching these messages to the students, we could really see some gears turning in some heads.

So, as I said, we covered a lot of ground to help the students form their own foundations for the Christian faith based off of this apologetics series we’ve been going through. Bryan and I have been using a book called The 10 Most Common Objections To Christianity by Alex McFarland. One of our early chapters we preached on was understanding if the Bible is an authentic book or source to study and/or believe. And this is a good question. If you are a Christian, you have to ask yourself: “Do I believe that the Bible is true? That we can believe what is said in it?” Or, if some don’t believe the Bible is true, why would they think that? Would they think because the Bible has been translated so many times, surely there have been errors in the translations? Or the Bible has been written by men, and powerful men got their hands on it to change the message of the Bible or its stories; surely we cannot believe the bible to be authentic and accurate to its original texts. What we were able to teach the students was not only has the Bible been handled and cared for very well, but we have COUNTLESS proof that there are no changes/errors in it. If we were to question any Old Testament writings, we can run to the Dead Sea Scrolls as proof for accurate and faithful translations of the texts and faithful reproductions of the message of the texts. It was amazing to test the students and see how they felt about the very old and dusty Old Testament books, to then build up their confidence in the texts because we can prove the historicity of the texts, the faithful translation of the texts, and the faithful transmission of the texts message. What a joy it was to walk through this sermon with them.

Amongst other chapters and sermons this semester, we also talked about Jesus. That’s probably a good thing and sounds like such a Sunday School thing to say. But, it’s important to ask people who they think Jesus was or is! So we asked the students this! And one of the chapters in our book was a common objection to Christianity is the belief that Jesus was just a man. So, we asked the question: if Jesus was just a man, what does that mean for us? Because, you have to think about it. To prove that Jesus was just a man, find His body. Go to the tomb, see that He is still there. Thus would prove this Man was just human and led a strange ministry. However, the problem is, that tomb was empty!! Praise God! Jesus made a bunch of claims about Himself and about God during His earthly ministry, but it all wouldn’t have mattered if He died and stayed dead. But, since He did rise from the dead, that means we have some serious thinking to do. And it was awesome to walk the students through this thinking! Because it’s so easy to prove that there was a historical man named Jesus around 2,000 years ago and was also crucified, we had to ask them the hard questions! If Jesus really is God and rose from the dead, then what does that mean for them? Does that mean He is an expert con man, or is He the Messiah that was prophesied? What a gift it was to teach them this truth as well.

So, our students have been asking the hard questions these past couple Sunday nights. We want them to form their own opinions and truths about the Bible, Christ, and Christianity. We want them to work through these hard questions as well, not just accepting what others have told them. And I truly believe the Lord has been working in them this semester. Like I said, I’ve seen the gears turning, and what a joy it was to witness. So there’s a little glimpse of what has been going on in our student ministry. It’s been awesome so far, and we are looking forward to the few remaining weeks we have left!

To God be the Glory!

Posted by Alex Kilgore with

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