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Women on Mission April 2018

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The following is a personal testimony given during a morning worship service in the spring, 1971 at Oakhill Baptist Church by Mrs. Wanda Schultz …..

“The building was small but new, it had a good location and I noticed they had taken the trouble to place a few nice shrubs in the front.  When I walked in I had heard so much about this great pastor and this marvelous church.  My first thoughts were:  I had seen finer churches and had heard far greater speakers.  When I sat down my feet got cold on the concrete floor that wasn’t covered and my back got tired sitting in a non-cushioned pew.  I wondered, by what standard had they judged this speaker and building.

I started attending this little church.  For you see, it ceased to be a building.  I found that for me the church was bigger than I had at first noticed.  This church reached far beyond the four walls and I found myself listening to every word the pastor spoke from the pulpit because I found sincerity, Christian love and a real joy coming from his heart.  My feet no longer got cold because the love I had felt from the top of my heard to the tip of my toe overwhelmed me.  The hardness of the pews had been softened by the peace and comfort I had found when Jesus sat down with me because He was a permanent resident in my heart.

I entered a building
and found a church
I sat in a seat
and found a place
I shook a hand
and felt warmth
I looked into a face that smiled
and saw God’s love.

If you don’t get the message yet, let me tell you in simple words that a building means nothing but people mean everything.

I thank God that at one time there was group of people that saw a small church reaching a few for God’s glory.  Now, my desire is to have a larger church reaching “many” because there are many Wanda’s in our community.”

Oakhill will celebrate its 55th Anniversary this October.  Watch this space in the coming months for more Oakhill history.

Women on Mission will meet Monday, April 9th at 6:00 pm at church.  All our ladies are invited to be with us.


Posted by Women On Mission with

Stats April 2018

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                              Mar 4                      Mar 11                   Mar 18                    Mar 25

8:00 AM Worship





9:30 AM Worship





11:00 AM Worship





Total Worship





Oakhill Budget Offering





Mission Club





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