Series: Proverbs: Wisdom and Folly

Parents and Kids

July 16, 2017 | Alan Scott
Passage: Proverbs 2:1-5

Parents and Kids

Proverbs 22:6, 2:1-5

I. Warning to Parents (22:6)

A. A Promise that Leads to Guilt.

B. A Promise that Leads to Truth.

1. Tailor Your Training.

2. Enlighten Your Training.

II. A Child's Response (2:1-5)

A. Listen (vv.1-3)

B. Obey ( v. 4)

C. Understand ( V. 5)

Series Information

Other sermons in the series

Wisdom and Folly

June 18, 2017

The preparation, the invitation, and the result of living in wisdom, or living in folly.

Pride and Humility

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When we humble ourselves before God, He will use us for His glory.


July 02, 2017

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Sexual Fidelity

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Marriage provides God's way to satisfy our natural sexual desires.

Parents and Kids

July 16, 2017

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Wise Words

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The Wisdom of Work

August 06, 2017

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