Series: Acts: Empowered

Gospel Fluency

August 22, 2021 | Nick Scott
Passage: Romans 1:16-20

I. What is gospel fluency?
     A. The gospel is the power of God for salvation. (v. 16)
            1. Confidence Replaces Shame
            2. Salvation Replaces Condemnation
            3. Inclusion Replaces Alienation
      B. The gospel reveals the righteousness of God. (v. 17)
            1. Righteousness comes from God.
            2. Righteousness is received by faith. 
            3. Faith in God becomes a lifestyle.
      C. The gospel rescues from the wrath of God. (vv. 18-20)
             1. God must punish sin.
             2. All humanity is sinful.
             3. No one is without excuse.
II. How fluent are you with the gospel?
III. How can you improve your gospel fluency?      
IV. Who are you planning to share with?

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February 14, 2021

Empowered - Acts 1:1-11

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