Series: Presence of God

A Matter of Trust

October 22, 2023
Passage: 1 John 2:4-11

    Loving parents long to see their children fly, to soar above the stuff of this world and to succeed in life. God is a loving parent and He wants to see us fly! Flying requires confidence! Ultimate Confidence is the kind of basic spiritual confidence that provides the foundation and framework for general life confidence. In our passage this week we learn about the basics of this kind of confidence.

    Series Information

    Life is full of acquired tastes. While some are best left alone, others can be a source of great joy! 

    Other sermons in the series

    A Matter of Trust

    October 22, 2023

    Loving parents long to see their children fly, to soar above the stuff of this world...

    Presence of God

    October 29, 2023

    This last month we have looked at God’s generosity; our stewardship and the...

    God is in Control

    December 31, 2023

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