Worship October 2017

Church Family,
I hope you have gotten off to a great start in your fall season! It has been an exciting season of ministry, with many great things to come. I want to take an opportunity to say a big thanks to everyone who was involved in our Family Night of Worship this past month, as we gathered at the Baptist Association fields to fellowship and worship. It was such a great event. I’d like to thank Pizza Revolution and Lolly’s Pop Bar for coming and providing their food truck service. I’d also like to thank our incredible worship team for putting in much time and energy to prepare and lead our Church in worship. They went above and beyond, and I am so thankful for each one of them! I’d also like to take this chance to say thanks to a few people individually, who we could not have done this event without: Chad Mehne, Randy Kilgore, and Pat Moss. All three of these men put in a lot of hours starting months before to make sure this event would go well. Not only for this event, but every week. These three guys serve week in and week out to make sure worship on Sundays goes well. They are great people, with great families, with great attitudes, who all serve God well by serving others. There is much more I could say, and many more people I could mention, but I feel these three need to be recognized, even though they would never want the recognition. I am thankful for these guys, and our ministry would not be the same without them. We believe here at Oakhill that family is important. We value our Church Family, and we believe God does too. Since we have three separate services on Sunday, various Life Groups meeting, etc., there aren't many times that we all get to be together to worship. That’s why we loved our family night of worship, and we’re so thankful that many of you made it a priority to attend. One church, one voice, all for the glory of God. That is our aim, and that is our mission. Though we are all unique, though we are all different, we all come to the same place when we come to worship. We gather at the feet of Jesus. We sing for what He has done for us and through us. As we move forward, I am so excited to see how God will use our entire Church Family together, to further the advancement of His kingdom.
I love you all, and I love worshipping with you.
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