Worship Ministry - November 2023

Posted by Evan Gray on November 01, 2023

Names of God: Creator
God is BIG

When you take a moment to think about God, who He is, and what He’s done, you can quickly become overwhelmed. God is a big God, who is mighty, a protector, a healer, a king, and a creator. It is, however, comforting to know that God is bigger than we can even fathom, greater than anything we can even imagine. This should excite us, that the
strongest person we know or could dream up in our heads; is weak compared to the strength of our God. The wisest person, the one we go to when life gets messy, God is more wise. Praise be to God, for He is beyond compare.

“In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” Genesis 1:1
The first name or attribute of God we learn is that He is the “creator.” Out of nothing, God formed all things and without Him, nothing would have been made (John 1:3). With His breath and words He said “Let there be light and there was light.” One moment there was nothing, void of anything and only darkness, and then with one breath of life God began everything that we see today. All things formed from the mind of God and for His glory.

God didn’t create, especially you and I, without thought or care, but rather He knows every detail. In Psalm 139:14-15, the psalmist praises God for forming him and uses the words “intricately woven” to describe how God brought him into the world. Just like the psalmist, you and I aren’t an afterthought or a meaningless byproduct of the creative activities of God, but a creation He takes great care in forming. Why? That is a question that is hard for humanity to wrap its thoughts around.

Why would a God so powerful, the One in which all the universe was formed, care so much about me? Who am I to deserve even one thought from God, let alone His time and care to be “intricately woven” by Him? Even though it is hard for us to completely understand, humanity is God's most precious creation. One commentator wrote it like this:
“The universe He spoke into existence, but when it came to His children, He got more involved, more intimate. And so, He wove us together before anyone else even knew we existed. We are wonderfully made.” 

God, however, isn’t finished creating and David knew that when he wrote Psalm 51. “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.” (Psalm 51:10) David understood that God not only was the beginning of creation but also that God is always the source of creation in us. David cried out to God to create “a clean heart” and to “renew” him. That should be our daily cry to the creator of all life, that God would renew our hearts and minds so that we may glorify Him in all things. God, You are rich in mercy, may You continue to create us in Your imagine for the world to see!

Love you and mean it!

 Lyric of the Month
This is my Father's world:
O let me ne'er forget
That though the wrong seems oft so strong,
God is the Ruler yet.

Isaiah 40:28
Have you not known? Have you not heard?
The LORD is the everlasting God,
the Creator of the ends of the earth.
He does not faint or grow weary;
his understanding is unsearchable. 

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