Worship Ministry - April 2024

I am so thankful for the opportunity we had to celebrate Easter together as a church! Good Friday Night of Worship was a great night of worshiping Christ, the one who saves us. It is great when we can focus on the cross and what Christ did for us; the sacrifice He made; to feel and understand the pain He bore. Then, for us to gather on Easter Sunday morning to celebrate His resurrection! He’s alive and working in us still!
Thank you to all those who helped make the Easter weekend happen. All the singers, band members, and tech team, thank you for the hard work and dedication you put in; not only for Easter but every week. Thank you for helping lead our church each week in
worship. I am thankful that I get to serve here at Oakhill!
Matthew 28:5-7
5 The angel said to the women, “Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. 6 He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay. 7 Then go quickly and tell his disciples: ‘He has risen from the dead and is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will see him.’ Now I have told you.”
He’s Still Alive
As we come out of Easter, I pray we don’t forget that He’s still alive! Christ is still reigning! Christ is still the Lord! John Piper said, “...if this is true, then nothing is more important in our lives, nothing is more crucial or more urgent or more needful than believing it and becoming a follower of Jesus.”
We know this, we know all these things but it’s easy for us to approach our daily life without this in mind. Seeing God as distant and unreachable, maybe we even forget about Him altogether. We can go a whole day without thinking of Him once. It’s easy to get busy. It’s easy to not worship our God like we should and to become self-consumed. How can we fight against this urge?
We have the great assurance of Matthew 28:6, “He is not here; He has risen…” Believing this should fill us with a desire to draw near to Him and to seek Him! Jesus encourages us in Matthew chapter 7, that if we seek God we will find God. He isn’t trying to hide from us but rather wants us to be close to Him and to know Him. Just as you spend time on the things in life that interest you or the people that you love, spending time with God is necessary to know God.
John Piper also writes, “Seeking the Lord means seeking His presence.” “Presence” is a common translation of the Hebrew word “face.” Literally, we are to seek his “face.” But this is the Hebraic way of having access to God. To be before His face is to be in His presence.”
Seek God’s presence through His word. Seek God’s presence through singing. Seek God’s presence through prayer. Seek Him with your whole life!
Love you and mean it!
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