Worship - June 2019

Church Family,
I pray that the start of summer has found you well, and I hope you’re having a great time with your family and friends. I wanted to take some time this month to invite you and encourage you to take part in our Summer Discipleship Classes, which will take place on Sunday nights, starting in July. This will be a time of encouragement and study through different classes and different topics. I am leading a class called, “Worship Matters.” In this class, we are going to dive in and study what it looks like to be a biblical worshiper, and worship leader. This class will be geared toward those in our church who have a desire for worship ministry and leading others in worship, but it’s also designed for anyone interested in the topic of worship, and the role that worship plays in our lives.
Are you involved in the worship ministry of our church? This class is for you. We are going to study what it means to worship and lead worship not only with our skills, but most importantly our hearts and lives. We are going to look at how worship shapes our lives both on stage, but most importantly off stage. We will be talking about the role that our hearts and our minds play in worship leading. We’re going to talk about skill. We’re going to talk about planning worship, and how we get to the place where God is leading us to sing songs every Sunday.
But you may ask the question, “What if I’m not involved in the worship ministry of our church?” This class is still for you! We are ALL worshipers. We all lead worship in someway, whether that’s musically or in our every day lives. We’re going to study what it means to be a true worshiper of Christ. So even if you are not involved in leading musical worship, I fully believe you will be encouraged in your faith greatly through this study.
And lastly, there will be three other classes led during this time, and I hope you’ll choose one of them to be a part of. The season of summer often offers more time for us to pray, and reflect. These Summer Discipleship Classes will challenge us to grow greatly in our faith, and I pray that we all take advantage of it. Until then, we’ll worship together every Sunday. I hope and pray to see you there.
In Christ,
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