Spiritual Development - June

Posted by Nick Scott on June 01, 2020

Why Japan?

Not too long ago, my wife, Melissa, had an interaction with someone who asked where we were wanting to be missionaries. She told them that we felt led to go to Japan. The man then responded, "Japan?! They're a civilized country. Do you mean that my missions giving is going to missionaries living in civilized countries?" With this response Melissa politely informed him of the great spiritual need that exist in Japan despite the fact that it is so "civilized." Visit https://omf.org/asia/japan/ to find out how great the need actually is in Japan.

Mission is not about "civilizing" or converting people to another culture or societal structure. John Piper states in his book Let the Nations be Glad, "Missions exists because worship does not." We are going to Japan to tell people of the good news that Jesus has accomplished through his life, death, and resurrection. We hope to make disciples and worshipers of the one true, living God. In that regard, there is much work to be done because there is much spiritual darkness still in Japan. We pray everyday that God would be gracious to allow us in some way to help advance the gospel and see numerous people come to know Jesus as Savior and Lord in Japan.

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