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Pastor's Point - October 2024

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Dear Church Family,

This month I want to remind us of a wonderful opportunity that is coming up, I want to celebrate what God is doing in the life of our church, and I want to encourage you to praise God for all that He is doing.

First, we have a fantastic opportunity for outreach to our friends, families, and neighbors in October! On October 5th we are going to gather at our North Campus for our Fall fellowship event. This is a great “bridge” event to where you can invite people you know that are not connected to a church so they can experience a great night of fall fun with your church family. I have met so many people through the years at events like this and had opportunity to let them know that we would love for them to visit us on a Sunday morning to worship together. We are going to have hayrides, food, bounce houses, and fire pits for a great fall fellowship. Make sure to come and bring others with you as we enjoy this outdoor event on our North Campus! It is going to be a great night together!!

Second, I want to praise the Lord for what He has been doing in the life of our church over the last several months. God has blessed us with multiple baptisms over the last several Sunday mornings! Sometimes churches have an “emphasis” or “push” to try to baptize more people, but that is not why we are baptizing more people. It is simply God working in the lives of people, and it is the culmination of Gospel work that has been done by our individual families as well as in the ministries of our church. God has just been bringing in the harvest and it is so exciting to see!

Recently we also offered one of our “Discover Oakhill” nights for people to find out more what it means to be a member of Oakhill. We had twenty one people sign up to hear more about what it means to be a member of Oakhill. Once again this is God bringing people to our church to consider membership here at Oakhill. And, during these last few months, our worship attendance has been strong with some of our Sundays being over 600 in attendance! Like I said this is not us trying to generate some high attendance Sunday, it is simply God moving on the hearts of people to come and worship Him here at Oakhill. Of course, with all of this comes concerns about parking and space issues. But thankfully these are in the process of getting addressed as we will soon be breaking ground down at North Campus to continue to develop North Campus so we can alleviate our parking and space issues. Soon you will be hearing more exciting details about the new work beginning at North Campus.

Finally, I want to encourage us to make sure that we are praising our great God for all of this!! He is the one doing these things. He does not have to, but He is choosing to move in these ways, and we should be humbled and thankful for it and make sure to offer Him praise in the middle of it all!

He is so good to us! Remember, as God moves, we move!

I love you and I love being your pastor!

Posted by Alan Scott with