Pastor's Point - February 2024

Posted by Alan Scott on February 01, 2024

Dear Church Family,

My recent trip to see Nick, Melissa, and the kids was a wonderful, encouraging trip as we were able to spend time with them after a two-year separation. It was so great to get to hug, kiss, and talk in person with them. Eliana has grown so much on one hand, but on the other she is the same sweet bubbly little girl she was when she left. It was also amazing to get to hold and kiss our seven-month-old grandson for the first time as well. God was so kind to us because as we met him, he greeted us with the most amazing bright eyes and smiles as if we had met before. So, we were personally blessed and edified by being able to see Nick and family once again.

But it was more than just a family trip. I was there also as their pastor representing our church. We are their sending church and with that comes a special privilege and responsibility to do all we can to encourage them while they are on the field. This became very real one day when I was talking to Nick, and he thanked me for coming because he said he really needed the encouragement from his pastor. Of course, I know that I have been the only pastor Nick has ever known, but it reminded me in that moment that I not only have a responsibility to Nick, Melissa, and the kids as a dad and grandfather, but also as their pastor. I came back with a renewed dedication to be the best pastor I can be to them while they are away from us on the mission field. 

It was very helpful to see the mission field where they are serving. I have a fresh appreciation for the urgency of the work as well as the difficulties that come along with ministering in Japan. They really do need our prayers and support. As I came home, I thought of a conversation that Nick and I had before they left to go to the mission field. I told Nick that as they go to Japan, that I would be here “holding the ropes” to support them. This is a reference to something that William Carey said to one of his friends as Carey was going to the foreign mission field and his friend was staying behind in the states. William Carey is considered the father of the modern-day missionary movement.

In 1793 as Carey left to go to India, it is reported that Carey famously told his friend Andrew Fuller, “I will go down into the pit, if you will hold the ropes.” Fuller held the ropes by serving as president of the Baptist Mission Society from its founding until his death in 1814. He traveled all over the British Isles, raising funds and preaching
missions-related sermons. The missionaries in India and other early fields could concentrate on their ministry in the field because they knew Fuller was advocating for them back home. He did all he could to support his friend where he was while Carey was on the mission field.

I desire to do a better job of holding the ropes for Nick, Melissa, and the kids. And for that matter any other missionaries that we may have the honor of sending out from our church family! Of course, I cannot do this alone. Pastor Paul Willett who oversees our missions’ ministries will be a key part of this effort, but we will need to come together as church family to do the best job of “holding the ropes.” Here are a few ways that we can “hold the ropes.”

  • Pray – The need is great for prayer. Loneliness, burnout, fatigue, depression, and exhaustion are real enemies that Satan would love to use to discourage them.
  • Encourage – Writing letters, sending emails, or messages on Facebook messenger would all be huge encouragement to them. One of our little girls at church sent with us a letter to Ellie and she absolutely loved it. It brought a great smile to her face.
  • Give – We have a Japan Mission Fund set up at church that you can give to if you would like. Please know that Nick and Melissa are fully supported through the International Mission Board for all their daily needs. This fund can be used to help fund ministry emphasis that may need some extra resources in Tokyo.
  • Go – Our state convention of churches in Indiana are forming a partnership with the mission team in Tokyo, Japan. The convention will be organizing mission trips that some of us would be able to go on to minister directly with Nick and Melissa’s ministry team.
  • Cultivate – I pray we can grow a missional mindset in our church to where we pray for God to call more people into the mission fields all around the world.

Let’s hold the ropes and let the Scott’s in Japan know that we got them and are supporting them in what God has called them to.

I love you and I love being your pastor! 

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