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Kid's Happenings July 2016

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Hello Church Family,

We are halfway through the year and I am amazed at how much God has already done within our church and our children’s ministry.  Our God is so good.  I think that it is because of our commitment to obeying his commands as one of the reasons we are able to see His work transpire.

I think of this past week… or past month better yet…  Our VBS leaders had been pouring their time, energy, and hearts into preparing their lessons for our children.  They were obedient to His calling… The rotation leaders preparing the crafts, snacks, music, decorations, missions study, and games were obedient to His calling.  The parents that obediently brought their children to VBS to hear the gospel and learn that Jesus knows who they are and has a plan for their life.  All of these people were obedient to God and to the spiritual well being of our children.

We had approx. 270 children, 170 during the evening and 100 within the daycare, that were apart of our VBS this year.  10 of those children prayed to receive Christ.  (Praise God!)  $938 was raised by the children to go towards Culture Waves Global upcoming medical mission trip.  (girls won… Jared was slimed, and I ultimately got slimed as well).

It is because of God’s people being committed to His calling that has helped make this year’s VBS so wonderful.  Thank you for being obedient.  “If you love me, you will obey what I command.” John 14:15.   Thank you for allowing me to love on your kids.

God Bless,
