February 2016 Kid's Happenings

Hello Church Family,
I am always excited to write my monthly newsletter article! It’s a great way for me to communicate to all of you of the amazing things our God is doing in the life of our
Children’s Ministry. So many of you are heavily involved in the life of our Children’s
ministry and get to see first hand how God is moving and creating opportunities for us to show Christ’s love to the children and their families. Thank you for all you do! I love
serving our church and savior with such awesome brothers and sisters in Christ.
For those of you that are involved in other areas in the church or are unable to serve in our Children’s Ministry let me take a moment to share what opportunities God has
provided for our church to raise up this next generation of believers…Let’s start with Sunday, we require approximately 34 volunteers every Sunday morning to teach approximately 100 children about biblical truths and the Love of Jesus. These dedicated volunteers help throughout all three services. That is a lot of volunteers, just sayin’. On Sunday evenings through the month of April, approximately 45 children are learning a musical called “Sticky Notes and Bible Quotes”. This is being led by 16 fantastic people to help in the areas of Music, Drama, Set Design/Crafts, Games and childcare. Can you say “Praise God” for opportunities and willing servants to minister to our children.
Now, lets move on to mid-week activities and outreach. AWANA is every Wednesday evening through the month of April. We have approximately 100 children and 35 volunteers. Children not only build lasting friendships and learn about missions and God’s love, but they also learn to recite His word. What better way for our children to spread the gospel than by hiding His word in their heart so they can share it with those that God places in their path. We are also blessed to have 203 children and 80 volunteers to help with our Upward Basketball and Cheerleading program. With 33% of the children having absolutely no church affiliation, this opens the doors for a great opportunity to share the Gospel.
Please feel free to contact me if you would like to be apart of our children's ministry and help to raise up the next generation of believers.
Thank you for the opportunity to love on your children.
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