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Spiritual Development - August 2019

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Dear Church Family,

As I’m writing this article I’m sitting in O’Hare International Airport in Chicago waiting at the gate for our flight to Tokyo. We’re both so excited for this amazing opportunity to go and participate in the work that God is already doing in Japan through the efforts of faithful pastors, church leaders, and missionaries.

One thing that has been weighing on me as I have been preparing for this trip is that no matter how much time we spend preparing for something that God is calling us to do, we will  never eliminate the need for faithful trust in Him. It is true that whatever God calls you to do He will provide what is necessary in order to complete it to His satisfaction. But even in knowing that I still feel so inadequate for this trip. I’ve spent countless hours researching Japanese culture by reading books, blogs, and articles. I’ve watched many videos of people talking about life in Japan. I’ve talked with people who have lived in Tokyo. I’ve even examined how to effectively share the gospel in the cultural context of Japan. But all of these things haven’t been enough to take away the fear and anxiety that are present within me. That’s because God does not ultimately want us to be knowledgeable above everything else. He wants people full of faith in Him. So please pray for me that I would be trusting in the power, the grace, and the love of God as I attempt to winsomely share the Good News with those who we are going to meet.

God is calling for all of us to trust Him in this way. And not just in the explicitly spiritual parts of our lives, like going on mission trips. No, He wants us to trust Him in all areas of our lives. Whether we find ourselves getting up on Monday to the same routine as the last week, or if we find ourselves sitting at an airport gate getting ready to embark on a new adventure, God’s power is sufficient to meet our needs each day, His grace is sufficient to see us through challenges and difficulties, and his love for His children will never fade. God is so good to you and to me.

Another sweet blessing that the Lord has graced me with on this trip is the presence of my wife, Melissa. In many ways, I look to her as an example for my faith, namely for her passion for sharing the gospel with others, her desire for  personal holiness, and her tender heart for those who are in need. God surely equips every believer individually with the gospel and the ability to make disciples, but its so much better to do it with someone else by your side. We need our brothers and sisters in Christ. They encourage us when we are tempted to despair, they help bear the burdens of ministry and everyday life, and they compensate their strength for our weaknesses. I’m happy that I have the opportunity to share this trip with Melissa, not only because she’s my best friend, but also because I know that God will use her to help the  mission of our trip be successful.

I could keep going, but it’s about time to go. By the time you read this we may be back. But please know that without your prayer and support up until this point, we would not have been able to be here sitting with the assurance that our church family loves us. We are so happy that you value sending people to share the gospel with others who otherwise might not have an opportunity to hear it. We hope to honor the Lord in our efforts and bring back news of how the Lord is working on the other side of the world.

We love you and thank God for you,
Nick and Melissa Scott


Posted by Nick Scott with

Spiritual Development July 2019

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How Should Christians View Religious Liberty?”

Religious liberty is the freedom to worship or not worship any deity one chooses in any way one chooses. Religious liberty has been a rarity in most nations throughout history. In most   countries the religious liberty of one group is often denied for the sake of another group, and that is one reason free societies carefully guard the separation of church and state. Removing authoritarian control from the observance of religion is a founding principle of American society, which has traditionally seen religious liberty as more than a privilege, but as a God-given right.

The foundations for the democratic ideal of religious liberty have their roots in the Bible. God Himself extends a “freedom of religion” to people, and the Bible has several examples of God   giving men the freedom to choose or to reject Him (e.g., Luke 18:18–25). Faith is commanded but not coerced. Part of God’s likeness in man is volition, i.e., the ability to choose. God respects our choices and gives us freedom to make decisions regarding our future (Genesis 13:8–12Joshua 24:15), even if we make the wrong decisions. Using these principles, Christians believe that religious worship should be a matter of conscience. What the government does or does not do has no relation to the matters of the heart.

The church was born in a society that allowed religious liberty, within limits. But, as the church grew, persecution of Christian intensified. The majority of the New Testament was written to and for people suffering persecution due to their decision to follow Christ (Acts 8:1). Despite the cruel actions toward them, sanctioned by the authorities, Christians were encouraged to stand firm in the faith and pray for their enemies (1 Peter 3:141      Timothy 2:2). One of the key passages of civil obedience, Romans 13:4–5, was written by a man who was at that moment suffering legal persecution for preaching the gospel.

Religious liberty is an unimaginable dream for millions of Christians around the world. Some must meet secretly and, if discovered, could be jailed or killed. Others know that the moment they announce their allegiance to Christ, their families will disown them, their wives and children will be taken away, and they will be left with nothing. Many more of our brothers and sisters in Christ languish in filthy prisons, suffering daily beatings, starvation, cold, and sickness, simply because they will not deny Christ. Religious liberty has never been a part of their experience, so they don’t expect it. Despite the consequences, they are willing to give up everything to follow Jesus (2 Timothy 3:12Philippians 1:29).

For those in free nations, religious liberty has been taken for granted and often ignored. America is one of the few  nations that has religious liberty written into its Constitution: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof” (from the First Amendment). Yet that liberty is often squandered by the masses. Church buildings sit empty in every city while bars, casinos, and amusement parks stay full. It would seem that the presence of religious liberty would cause Christianity to explode in numbers and practice, but history reveals the opposite to be true. In countries where Christianity is illegal, the church spreads like a grass fire, while places with the most religious freedom grow more secular by the day.

Christians should cherish religious freedom and not take it for granted. In open societies, Christians should use their religious freedom to practice their faith, share the gospel, and speak for biblical values on social issues. They should run for public office, start churches, host open-air events to attract the unchurched, and live as Christ would have them to. Those who do not wish to be exposed to the Christian gospel are working against Christians’ rights to exercise their faith freely, and encroachments upon religious liberty must be recognized and repelled.

The church was born in a season of religious turmoil and grew to maturity on the blood of its martyrs (Acts 7:54–5812:2). The church continues to spread even in the regions most opposed to it, and it does so right under the noses of tyrants and dictators who are unable to stop it. Truth shines brightest in the darkest places. Christians enjoying religious liberty should not squander the sacred right of freedom but thank the Lord for it and use it to further the work of God in this world.

(Excerpts taken from www.gotquestions.org/religious–liberty)

Posted by Nick Scott with

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