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Pastor's Point - May 2022

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Dear Church Family,

It is almost unbelievable to me that we are now in the month of May! This year has gone so fast it seems. I have been very thankful for 2022 because I feel like it has been a year of answered prayers.

Personally, our family has been praying for some time that Nick, Melissa, and Eliana would get to move to Japan and on to the mission field. That prayer was answered and they are happily there and adjusting more by the day. God has answered one prayer after another since they arrived in Japan. He worked out their housing, He provided a school for Eliana near their home, and has allowed them to make strategic friendships to help their transition. Every step of the way Jesus has met every need that they have had. The wait was hard, but watching how God has worked everything out has been a great encouragement to me. It has just reminded me all over again exactly how good our great God is!

Corporately for our church, God has answered prayers by continuing to bring people back to corporate worship, people have been saved and baptized, and we have begun to move forward in our One Family, One Mission building campaign. God is doing all of that! Even in the middle of increasingly challenging economic times, God continues to provide financially for our church through His people. He is so good to us. We have so much to thank Him for!! And there is still so much to come in the rest of 2022!

We also need to thank God that we can begin the building renovations on our South and North Campuses. At South Campus we have completed renovations on three sets of our bathrooms, and we are in the process of securing bids for the start of the build out on our student and children’s areas. Down at North Campus we have begin work on the roof of the gymnasium. God has been moving in so many ways in 2022. I am so thankful that He is the same awesome God He is today that He has always been.

One last thing, please keep the search for our new worship pastor in your prayers. By faith I know that this is going to be another prayer answered that we are going to be able to celebrate in 2022!! Let’s remember that God hears and answers the prayers of His people. Let’s keep praying and thanking God for who He is and all that He does for us!

I love you and I love being your pastor!

Posted by Alan Scott with

Pastor's Point - April 2022

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Dear Church Family,

I simply have three prayer requests to bring to your attention this month.

Please begin praying for all the different opportunities for ministry that our church will have this Easter.

Friday – April 15th at 6:30 pm
Good Friday “Night of Worship” – This service at South Campus is a perfect opportunity to invite people to come and hear of the great display of love that God showed by sacrificing His one and only Son for undeserving humanity.

Saturday – April 16th at 10:00 am 
Family Easter Celebration - This event at North Campus will offer something for everyone. There will be inflatables, food, and one huge Easter egg hunt that kids will not want to miss. This is a great event to invite your friends and family to come be a part of as there is something for everyone.

Sunday - April 17
th at  8:00, 9:30, and 11:00 am
Easter Services – We will offer three worship services on Easter Sunday at South Campus. People are more open at this time of the year than any other to come to a worship service in a church.  I want to encourage you to be praying for who it is that you will invite to come with you to Easter service this year.

Please make it a point of your personal prayer time to pray for our worship pastor search. God knows exactly the person that we need to lead us in this key area of our church. I am confident that as we pray and ask God to lead us that He will. Pray specifically that God would lead us to someone who is gifted to lead our church in God-focused, powerful, moving worship. I have all confidence that God will lead us to who He has for us for this season in the life of our church.

I do not make it a habit to come to you and solicit your prayers for my family, but I feel I need to in the season of our lives. Sending Nick, Melissa, and Eliana off to Japan on mission was a great moment for our family!  We are so happy to see them go and serve the Lord in this way.  As I shared on Sunday, for us to feel any other way would not be right.  But it is hard to “lay down your objections” when God moves in ways that you were not expecting.  Please do not misunderstand me, we are glad they are there, but just pray for us because there will be days that we will be tempted to pick up some of those objections that we have laid down.
We know that God will take much better care of them than we ever could.  We trust Him.  But there will be times when we will miss them tremendously. Pray that when those times come that we will remain faithful and focus on His will for their lives and not our own selfish objections that we may be tempted to pick up and hang on to in that moment. Thank you for your prayers.

I love you and I love being your pastor!

Posted by Alan Scott with

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