Dear Church Family,

This year the Lord placed the families that make up our church family on my heart. I pray that this can be a year that we encourage and challenge our families to be all that God wants them to be. We are asking God to help us accomplish this task by leading us and guiding us through the ministries that we offer this year. 

Parents and grandparents need to be encouraged as they face the many challenges that present themselves in the cultural war we find ourselves in. One way we are going to encourage our parents and grandparents is by offering a Family Focus Seminar. We have invited Seth York to come this year and speak to us. He is the Director at Crossings Camp where our students and children attend summer camp. Seth has a unique perspective in his ministry as he works closely with children, students, and college age young adults as they come to work with him at the camp during the summer. Through all these experiences Seth has gained wisdom and insight into investing spiritually in these age groups. I want to ask you to make every effort to clear your schedule on March 15th from 8:00 am to 2:00 pm. You will gain encouragement and insight as Seth shares from his experiences, but even more importantly from the Word of God. You will also receive a few practical resources that will be given to each family who attend our seminar.

Also new this year are our 5th Sunday Family Worship services. On these four Sundays, we will offer children’s ministry ONLY for birth through kindergarten. We want to encourage the rest of our children and students to enjoy a time of corporate worship together with their families. Because of the many options of ministry that we offer on Sunday mornings, there are some children and even students who are not able to participate in our worship services. We want to intentionally plan times where families can worship together the one true and living God! I am excited for these four Sundays this year and I pray that your family will make every effort to worship together on those Sundays. Our first Family Worship service will be on March 30th.

Finally, I want to remind you that your church offers regular children and student ministry opportunities for your family throughout the calendar year. Our church calendar includes camps, local mission projects, VBS, and weekly discipleship opportunities through AWANA and our student ministries for your children and students. Make these a priority for your family. I understand how busy young families are. I used to be in a young family myself, but no longer. I can tell you that Paula and I do not have any regrets as it relates to our kids being a part of the ministry in the local church. We do not regret having to sacrifice and save money to help our kids participate in opportunities like these. We do not regret the inconvenience at times that these types of ministry opportunities brought to our family. And we do not regret the times that we “strongly” encouraged our kids to attend and be a part of ministry even when they thought they knew better. Parents do not grow weary. Rely on the Holy Spirit to empower you in this most important task. Join me in praying for our families in 2025! Let’s ask God to lead, guide, and direct our parents and grandparents as we lock arms together for this most important ministry to our kids.

I love you and I love being your pastor!

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