AWANA 2024-25
Children's Ministry

AWANA stands for Approved Workman Are Not Ashamed (2 Timothy 2:15). AWANA is a Bible club for children 3 years (two years from Kindergarten) to 12th grade. It is a fun and exciting program that is centered on the Gospel, Bible learning, and scripture memory. Club meets weekly throughout the school year from August through May. AWANA will start on Wednesday, August 28th at 6 p.m. at the Oakhill South Campus. Trek & Journey meet from 5:20-5:50 p.m. each Wednesday before Student Ministry Life Groups which start at 6 p.m.
Cubbies (Preschool & PreK) - starts two years before Kindergarten
Sparks (K-2nd Grade)
T&T (3rd - 6th Grade)
Trek (6th - 8th Grade)
Journey (9th - 12th Grade)