Background Check Renewal

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Current Address*


Previous Address (If you have been at your current address for less than 5 years)


In the past two (2) years have you used illegal drugs or abused perception drugs?*

In the past two (2) years have you gone through treatment for alcohol or drug abuse?*

In the past two (2) years have you been arrested, charged or convicted of a crime?*

Have you ever been accused or convicted of child abuse, sexual abuse or domestic violence?*


For the safety and protection of our families, we require every person serving in a leadership position to submit to a criminal background check. Please provide the following information to complete this process.


I affirm that, to the best of my knowledge, the information on this application is correct.  I authorize any reference listed on this application to supply information that may impact my service at Oakhill. By initialing, I also give permission to do a criminal background check.