Application to Serve

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Current Address*


Previous Address (If you have been at your current address for less than 5 years)


In the past two (2) years have you used illegal drugs or abused perception drugs?*

In the past two (2) years have you gone through treatment for alcohol or drug abuse?*

In the past two (2) years have you been arrested, charged or convicted of a crime?*

Have you ever been accused or convicted of child abuse, sexual abuse or domestic violence?*

Are you a member?*

Ministry Experience

Please provide us with up to four instances in which you served ministries at either Oakhill or previous churches.

Ministry Experience 1

Ministry Experience 2

Ministry Experience 3

Ministry Experience 4


It is vital for volunteers in our church to agree on important matters of faith and doctrine. All volunteers are expected to serve and minister in accordance with our Statement of Faith.  You can obtain a copy on our website or through the church office.


The biggest thing we want to emphasize is that Oakhill Baptist Church is a Bible believing, gospel-centered church.  Our mission is to see people’s lives change radically by entering into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, and then continue the life-change process as they worship, grow, serve, and give.


As a volunteer in the ministry of Oakhill Baptist Church do you support the overall mission and beliefs of the church? If so, please sign below.


For the safety and protection of our families, we require every person serving in a leadership position to submit to a criminal background check. Please provide the following information to complete this process.


I affirm that, to the best of my knowledge, the information on this application is correct.  I authorize any reference listed on this application to supply information that may impact my service at Oakhill. By initialing, I also give permission to do a criminal background check. 


Please Provide us with character references:

Character Reference 1

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Character Reference 2

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Character Reference 3

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