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Spare Change - July 2023

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The Joy of Children

Part of my job and calling at Oakhill is to be the Children's Pastor.  I love this part of the job because I love kids! Kids are so much fun!  From squishy babies to precocious toddlers to funny older children, they are all a marvel of God.  I love to see them learn and grow, especially in the context of growing in the Lord. This is a special blessing of being involved in the children's ministry.  I am positive the other volunteers at Oakhill feel the same way.

I am thankful that at Oakhill we love children. Our love is modeled after the love of our Savior, Jesus Christ.  I am so thankful that the gospel writers inspired by the Holy Spirit
included the story about Jesus interacting with children in Mark 10:13-16:

“And [Parents] were bringing children to [Jesus] that he might touch them, and the disciples rebuked them. But when Jesus saw it, he was indignant and said to them, “Let the children come to me; do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God. Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.” And he took them in his arms and blessed them, laying his hands on them.”

At this time in Jesus’ ministry, He was ministering to a great many people.  I can imagine a long line of people waiting to speak to Jesus.  This group of parents, knowing that their children were a most precious gift, brought them to Jesus to be blessed.  The disciples saw this as a waste of Jesus' time.  They probably thought, "look at all these people that need Jesus' help, these children are just taking up his time".  As I said, I'm thankful we get this glimpse into our Lord's thinking about children. He rebuked His disciples and pulled the children in close.  We get the picture that Jesus might have put them in His lap as He blessed them.  This shows us that our Savior loved children!

First, he knew that these were potential future followers.  If these parents believed in Jesus and taught their children to do the same, then these children would be the future for the church.  He wanted them to feel welcome in His church. Second, Jesus wants us all to approach Him with childlike faith.  This type of faith doesn't mean immature or devoid of theological thinking. It means that we have simplicity in our faith.  We need to trust Jesus like a child trusts a parent. Children with loving parents don't have to wonder if their parents will take care of their needs. They know their parents are going to protect them. They just simply trust, it's almost thoughtless, like a reflex.  We need to have the automatic reflex of faith in every stage of life. 

I am sure that this experience with Jesus left an indelible mark on the children He blessed.  I hope that many of them followed Jesus and learned to obey all that He taught.  Children are a great example of how we need to live in awe and wonder of our Savior.  As children grow in faith, they are like little sponges that are constantly amazed by all they are learning.  I pray we can all retain this attitude into adulthood.  We should continue to approach Jesus daily with awe and wonder. 

If we want to honor our Savior, then we will be like Him and make room for children in the church.  We will seek to love and disciple them. Most of all, we will bring them to Jesus. We will share the good news of the gospel.  We will be living examples of the gospel to the children.  I'm thankful that Oakhill is a church like this!

Posted by Bryan Gotcher with

Worship Ministry - July 2023

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The Love of God 

I have been lucky enough to have the opportunity of having my father as a great ministry mentor.  He has served the local church for thirty-five plus years, most of which was in music ministry. I am thankful that I can call him at any moment and have the ear of someone who has “been there and done that.” He is a great father, a great friend, and a great mentor. 

One phrase that my father says when wrapping up choir or band practice that has stuck with me through my ministry was, “love you and mean it.” This is a simple phrase and there is nothing new or profound about it; however, by just adding two little words to a phrase we all use every day, “mean it,” deepens it.

Loving people is messy. Loving people takes work. Saying “I love you” is easy, meaning it is hard. It isn’t necessarily in our nature to give ourselves away, to sacrifice, or to put
others before ourselves. It is much easier for us to say “I love you” than it is to live it out in a tangible way. 

Blackaby writes this in “Experiencing God”

Love assumes the best about others. If someone inadvertently offends you, you choose to believe the offense was unintentional. If someone seeks to harm you, you “bear all things,” forgiving unconditionally. If a positive light can be shed on a difficult encounter, you grasp it. If someone continually provokes you, you “endure all things.” You never lose hope in the ones you love. You practice the same unconditional love toward others that Christ gives to you. God loves us and He means it! 

John 3:16 - For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. 

God, due to His abundant love for us, sent His son to earth to take on the punishment we deserved. If that isn’t “meaning it,” I don’t know what is! God forgives “unconditionally” when we surrender to Jesus' authority. God is immensely patient with us and “endures” when we fail Him. God is our hope in our greatest times of need, our hope every day. It is through God’s love that we find life! 

So, as children of God, what are we to do? How can we not only tell God and tell people that we love them but also mean it? We endlessly strive to love people like Christ first loved us! We sacrifice for others, for the glory of God. “You practice the same unconditional love toward others that Christ gives to you.” 

Mark 12:30-31 - 30 Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ 31 The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’  There is no commandment greater than these.”

Lyric of the Month
For God so loved the world that He gave us
His one and only Son to save us
Whoever believes in Him will live forever

Psalm 119:11
7 Love bears all things, believes all things,
hopes all things, endures all things.
8 Love never ends.

Posted by Evan Gray with

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